jameslongo & Superfreak


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New member
Sep 13, 2009
Reaction score
jameslongo is the bloke that sold me 2 mantids, he gave me great info on all his different sorts before i made the purchase.

As soon as i knew which ones i wanted, i paid him, and he posted them ASAP.

There were no problems what-so-ever, they arrived as quickly as the post could deliver them (express).

Both were perfectly fine upon arrival, he'd set them up with water and food for the trip to my house. Prices are very reasonable.

I highly recommend buying from him!

Note: Superfreak supplied one of the mantids i bought, all descriptions were very accurate!

If you're in Australia, and looking for some cool species, speak to jameslongo and Superfreak!

+1 for me.

I contacted James looking for some mantids of various species and he replied promptly with info on the species, pictures, prices, etc. I wound up buying 2X Ministralis and 1X Archimantis latistyla, as well as a snake mantid ooth (and he wound up sending two, one for free). James provided all but the Archmantis which was provided by Superfreak. Much appreciated to both of them. Prices were extremely reasonable, shipping was cheap and prompt, and they arrived by the end of the work week despite me being on the other side of the country (Perth is pretty isolated, sent from Sydney).

James also emailed me a lot of info about Mantid care for beginners, and answered a lot of my questions. For a first timer it was very helpful.

Overall, excellent transaction, well cared for, packaged and fed for the shipment. Highly recommended, will probably do business with them again one day.

Thanks to both of you.


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I bought my first mantis from James, an Orthodera, and she arrived safely packaged and healthy on my doorstep with plenty of moisture and one leaf hopper to go :) James was really helpful during the purchase, and my mantis arrived with a detailed caresheet, so I could't go too far wrong :) The price was definately reasonable, and James sent Dotty over asap. Because of our stupid postng system my cheque took two weeks to arrive, so we assumed it had been lost in the post and I organised a bank transaction. The money was in his account that evening and he sent Dotty oops, sorry, the mantis ) the next morning. When the cheque did finally arrive, he ripped it up for me .

Superfreak was also really helpful when i went to her first for information on mantids; she helped me out as much as she could, figured out what mantid species I should purchase, and then she directed me to James for an Orthodera.

Both helped me quite a lot, and both patiently put up with my never-ending questions about mantid care, housing, diet, etc and of course, my impatience with aus post :lol:

So I conclude that Jamelongo ad superfreak are both helpful and trustworthy breeders/dealers, and would reccomend any aussies looking to keep these fascinating little critters we call mantids to these two :)
