Jeff Hanneman is dead!!!!!!Bitten by a spider.


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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2011
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Just cannot believe it.

Does someone know what spider bit him?

Never heard of him.
Haha...He is just Slayer rythm guitar player.A small metal band from USA....

Poor Jeff...dead and forgotten already.

Hey Sinensispsyched you should read from the start haha.He died from a spider bite.

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You are right.Let s say this thread was for musicians only.

Ok if he died from a spider bite,that may be the Brown Recluse(Loxosceles reclusia)....

The spider bite was indirectly responsible, it led to a secondary infection and necrotizing fasciitis.

oh and the whacko baptist church was saying this was a good thing that he died and what not and these were the same religious nuts who picketed funerals and stuff

oh and the whacko baptist church was saying this was a good thing that he died and what not and these were the same religious nuts who picketed funerals and stuff
And this is surprising how?

Remember these are the same people picketing the funerals of soldiers, who attempted to picket memorials for victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary shootings, and various other things..

R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman

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