josh's ff


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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2012
Reaction score
Ontario, California
i just got a big tub because i need food like now. and when i got it there were no flys. maggots where completely dried out aswell as the media. does anyone have some suggestions... this is seriously disappointing i need food asap

Are you sure that they aren't pupae? Did you buy a producing culture? Those are slightly more expensive.

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the one i have been getting are from petco but one of the viles turned out to be bad. the other is just not producing fast enough, im going to go get another from petco because its needed.but they are so small and go quite quickly. so i ordered a bigger producing culture, and it is completely dry. it says if ist dry to go ahead a spray it, but that was the whole point of getting a producing culture. now i have to wait like 5 weeks for this one to start. buy then my lil guys will be big enough for bigger prey.

Are you sure that they aren't pupae?
they dont look lke pupae to me, it just looks lke maggots that have dried out. like i said i do have a small vile culture going and that one is doing fine but it is way too small

Call Josh and complain, he will usually replace them. What species are you in need of right now melanogaster or hydei?

i ordered hydei, but either will do i suppose. all my ghosts are L3 so i think the others will work too

thanks ill give them a call i guess

so i just double checked my email. and i most definitely ordered a culture that should have already been producing.

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I will send u them free for just paying shipping, I have both new and bloomed cultrues. shipping with insulation and heat pack is 10.00 send to my email address with note if you want them. 3rd instar should be able to eat house flies, shipping is 6.50 for a free order if you want them, and I will send the smallest house flies too.

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Mantispets is probably more reliable about fruit flies than Josh's Frogs.
thank you, next time ill use that

I will send u them free for just paying shipping, I have both new and bloomed cultrues. shipping with insulation and heat pack is 10.00 send to my email address with note if you want them. 3rd instar should be able to eat house flies, shipping is 6.50 for a free order if you want them, and I will send the smallest house flies too.
that is more than awesome of you to do. as of now i have to go buy a small vile, im going to add a bunch of the flies to the media i got and see if anything happens. i already added the one from the vile that is doing great. if things dont work out ill buy some from you if you are willing to sell them

No need to buy them, I offered them free, I have cultures made weekly, usually making 50 a week! I have a lot of tiny mouths to feed. If they are not sold on my site, I just use all the flies in a new culture.

I will send u them free for just paying shipping, I have both new and bloomed cultrues. shipping with insulation and heat pack is 10.00 send to my email address with note if you want them. 3rd instar should be able to eat house flies, shipping is 6.50 for a free order if you want them, and I will send the smallest house flies too.
You are one classy lady Rebecca. This hobby would not be where it is without you.

I will send u them free for just paying shipping, I have both new and bloomed cultrues. shipping with insulation and heat pack is 10.00 send to my email address with note if you want them. 3rd instar should be able to eat house flies, shipping is 6.50 for a free order if you want them, and I will send the smallest house flies too.
No need to buy them, I offered them free, I have cultures made weekly, usually making 50 a week! I have a lot of tiny mouths to feed. If they are not sold on my site, I just use all the flies in a new culture.
Rebecca when u ganna send me some free flies ??? I need them bad ... lol


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