June Bugs for dinner or no?


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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2012
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Just caught 5 outside fighting for the female in the bunch.. Can the mantis eat this guy?

I dont know if they can eat but I remember those things when I lived in Canada very annoying at night LOL we dont have them here in Colorado

I cant stand them, sure don't want to release, especially since she has to prego by now :s

I feed June bugs to my larger adult species such as Rhombodera. But what I call a June bug looks nothing like your ten-lined June bug that you have on the west coast.

Where I'm at, I have seen the brown june beetle, the fig beetle, and the 10-lined june beetle. As for the topic, I don't feed these june beetles because they are just too large for the mantids I keep. Somehow, the birds love these beetles though.

they will eat them but you have to pull there back shell / wings off because there raptors might have a hard time gripping it. they still might eat them anyways but it makes it easier for them to get to the soft chewy parts :devil:

Yep. Some mantids will have trouble getting through the hard outer exoskeleton but large ones should be ok.

here in LA i get both the big green and small brown beetles in summer time. the green ones love our fig trees -_-*

i never thought of feeding them to my mantids. i would like to give that a try now. they would be much easier to capture then flys

My friends giant Asian went at it with a rhino beetle.both were very strong but the mantis killed it! It took a while for he mantis to get through the armor but once he did it was smooth sailing from there! Awesome fight though! 

What are those big black ones with the shinny green wings that seem to be blind a bat... They run into everything lol... In L.A. we call them June Bugs but I don't think that's right... Could be wrong though.

What are those big black ones with the shinny green wings that seem to be blind a bat... They run into everything lol... In L.A. we call them June Bugs but I don't think that's right... Could be wrong though.
From the description it could be several various ones, take a look at the ones below and see if you find it.

There are others of course too, but that list from your description seems to be the most common ones.

We get lots of fig beetles here in LA,  and yes they must be blind or stupid as they run into everything. One got caught in my hair once. ><
