Just An Off Feeling


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@MrGhostMantis Sure.


Ice cream bucket from above.


From the side.


Lid from the top.


Lid underside.

Two of my healthy mantises are housed similarly. 

@MrGhostMantis I also did take that arm off. She sort of gnawed at the stump for a while, and it seemed to be bleeding the next morning. (Green fluid down her front.) Also she now has one tarsi. She had two yesterday.

Still sounds like old age to me, not much you can do about that. Give her some honey and lots of water because of the hemolymph loss. 

- MantisGirl13

@MrGhostMantis The joints where her front two walking legs have turned a sort of pinkish red and that arm stump is still bleeding. . . what should I do about the red and is bleeding 24 hours after an amputation normal in bugs? She was chewing her one back leg off too so I took that off as well. . . was that the right call?
