Keeping Katydids


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Sep 15, 2013
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I'm so facinated with these guys...are they hard to keep? What do they feed on and what kind of enclosures work best? I'm going to do more research googling but wanted to see if anyone else here keeps them and see how they are as pets. :)

I saw someone on here had a pink one and....WOW! I can't imagine those are easy to find online to buy!

Very easy to keep, in my opinion. Just throw a bunch of grass or salad leaves in the enclosure once in while and that's it. They can scavenge dead insects too.

I'm not a katydid keeper, though. I know how to keep them alive before they become Mantis food, lol

Pink Katydids aren't that rare. I usually find up to 10 or 15 per summer.

Here's one


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I've never seen a pink one in Minnesota in the wild, but I kept Oblong-winged (pink morphs) for a while thanks to Yen. I had them in a terrarium that I had originally used for mantids. I fed mine mostly bramble in the beginning but discovered that they loved a variety of plants and tree leaves. I found them easy to keep. A pair of mine mated often, but the first eggs were laid in the terrarium backing, and I had trouble retrieving the eggs. Unfortunately they did not hatch. In the early morning, I loved the sounds that the katydids made.

I've never seen a pink one in Minnesota in the wild, but I kept Oblong-winged (pink morphs) for a while thanks to Yen. I had them in a terrarium that I had originally used for mantids. I fed mine mostly bramble in the beginning but discovered that they loved a variety of plants and tree leaves. I found them easy to keep. A pair of mine mated often, but the first eggs were laid in the terrarium backing, and I had trouble retrieving the eggs. Unfortunately they did not hatch. In the early morning, I loved the sounds that the katydids made.
Those pictures were beautiful!


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