King of all mantids


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Who is really the king?

  • Orchid Mantis

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • Ghost Mantis

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Devil's Flower Mantis

    Votes: 10 35.7%
  • Other..

    Votes: 9 32.1%

  • Total voters


Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
There are a ton of amazing mantids and this poll could include so very many species but I think the three I chose would be up on the list for everyone. For me it will always be the famous Orchid Mantis and its specific name coronatus for crown is further proof. The Ghost is probably rightful king of pets because it is easy and spectacular. The Devil's Flower is one of the most massive and were it to have personality or mental abilities exceeding a doorknob it might blot out the previous two. Of course the mantis that started most people here into the hobby is the Chinese and maybe it should have been an option. Each and every species is amazing in its own right but everybody cant' be king.

Toxodera! No question about it.

Of cultured ones, the orchid is my favorite right now. It changes periodically depending on what I'm keeping though.

If you vote "Other" please post the mantis and reason down here.

The king of all mantids for me would be the successfull culture of one in which is nearly impossible to keep and breed. I have to say Paratoxodera would be my pic.

I voted for orchid, but I really think they are overrated. The nymphs are spectacular, but as adults, BORING! Good eaters but other than the diff look to them I really if had the choice would go with the peacock mantis or asian, the asian has the best colors in the wings and such a good variety of color too. The peacock as it is a good big mantis and the wings are amazing.

I chose wally because it is not often that you have such an aggressive yet gorgeous species. No offense to you Idolo lovers, but, they arent super easy, nor are they aggressive feeders. Wallies have always been one of my faves.

Idolo is king of cultured species! Impressive at all stages and the fiercest threat pose, with Heterochaeta running a close second.

In my opinion it is a tie between Paratoxodera meggitti and Protoxodera monstrosa. Both have amazing camouflage and leaf-like cryptic appearances. WHY CANT THEY BE IN CULTURE

Another vote for the Chinese. Like many, this species was the first to capture my interest. Its success as an adventive and the variation observed within the species are additional reasons.

I will not vote yet because I haven't yet figured it out. The only mantis that is on the list that I keep is the Orchid, but as smart and beautiful as they are, I can't crown them yet.

I really love my local insects and will probably choose Stagmomantis carolina if I ever decide to vote. The different colors and cool threat and defense displays really impress me. The fact that I can enjoy them outdoors, is also very rewarding.
