Kongobatha diademata – snake mantis L4/5


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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2012
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So you guys & girls asked for some photos of my snake mantids, my phone was flat after I fed them so I missed out on photos of them eating, I only took photos of one of my females today but I will post the males tomorrow. I will catch them eating!

So here she is; she is L5




Didn't know which one was the best quality so I thought I'd go with these 3.

:D these guys are super cool and charge and tackle the flies once they see them. After pretending to be a swaying leaf in the wind first of course.

Awesome!!! Wish they were available in the US! :(
Really? I thought you could get almost anything in the US... When I get mine to mate and lay ootheca I would be happy to send some up there to get a culture started (only if it is legal to do so).

I must have missed your previous posts about this species. With the name Snake Mantis, it wasn't at all like what I was expecting to see. It somewhat resembles a Sinomantis.

I think they get the name from how they act, they "twist" like how a snake moves when they are pretending to be a leaf in the wind.

I wish, they are high on my wanted list they are very small and hard to raise from someone I know who tried breeding them once. I have a few people who go on regular bug hunts around where they are found who have said they will send me some if they get them. So soon hopefully I will have them, their wings are so damn cute.

That is an amazing photo yen, thanks for sharing! Their eyes are really awesome, I love the red strip.
