L6 Idolomantis diabolica


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One of my males is getting close to his final molt. I admit I am a little nervous for the first time ever.......

Well I have my first adult! Adult male molted last night. He is perfect. Big too. I will get some pics after he dries.

I had one a couple days ago, in a way this is not good, as we have adult males and no girls, anyone got adult girls? :blink:
No worries my dear! :) I have plenty of females. One should be molting to adulthood any day now. :) They are all very close to adulthood.

I have subadult females. I woudl expect them to molt within a few weeks. Surely the males will still be alive then.

Very good photographs Rick

Cool Mantis

any chance of sharing your camera settings .

I've seen lots of Idolo's online that were green, and crazy looking like your male. Usually the females are the awesome looking ones, odd

Oh and someone PLEASE PLEASE have some babies so you can sell them to me :)

I'm totally psyched for my first true mantid experience :)

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He's hard to photograph. Won't hold still and they don't grip well:


Great, My male just molted this week, so it is week of aug 9th! lets see how long he makes it and hope we get a girl for him, I have three, but ain't holding my breath! ;)

I have two of them. They will be molting soon. I have my doubts, but I hope at least one makes it.

Beautiful! Nice work!

They don't grip anything well on my end!

Complete opposite of those Limbata or whatever it is we found in the yard.

That is a very good looking mantis though you have there. Love those thick antennae.

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If I came across something that looked like that in the wild, I wouldn't touch it and I would hope and pray that it didn't touch me. Simply terrifying!

I love how the area around the head looks like two giant eyes.
