L6 (orig. L5) Hierodula venosa ❤


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The girl is still hanging in there. Again she tracked and struck at her dubia but no cigar, then lost interest. 

The other shows no interest in food but is agile and appears healthy. Both are hanging from their mesh lids.

Dude says they're due to molt. Probably soon. Maybe that's it? If girlie doesn't get her butt in gear, I fear she'd mismolt.

I keep them well misted, and sit their enclosures on top of a cable box (each) to raise their temp a few degrees. It's not hot, just warm.

Dude said they do fine at room temps if they're kept fairly humid so I mist them once in the morning and once at night. I try to keep the humidity in, as our house varies between 38 and 45 percent.
I hope they molt soon and I am glad the girl is doing well!

- MantisGirl13

Nevermind. LoL.

Sick girl is molting right before our eyes. We should have left her alone.

Shes still in process. Don't know what's going to happen.


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Is there *ANYTHING* I can do to facilitate the molt? Misting?


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She almost made it. She fell and had her shed practically 100 pct off.

I managed to hang her from it just above a soft clean surface ans she slid right out.



The problem is that she's just sooooo weak. But shes hanging on to her mesh vertically by her raptorials.She IS articulating all legs.Just slowly. Her rear left leg is still missing its tarsus (found it earlier tonight in her enclosure). And MAN is she fluffing up.

Not the way I wanted to experience my first moult. If she makes it, she'll have a VERY special name.

I dunno. She appears cleanly molted. She's extremely weak.


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Yeh @Graceface TY for the nice encouraging words in the other thread, but her injuries from the ship mustve been deep enough that when she molted today she didnt set her hooks right. She pretty much got out of it  herself except at the very end of her abdomen. She lost purchase, maybe the injuries, and exhaustion from the molt, and fell 6 inches. I lifted her by the molt and she smoothly fell out a very short distance from the surface I had her over (maybe an inch). Shes still alive but extremely weary. 

She's not gonna make it. 

The other one (a girl too, I think) is doing great. I took out her dubia and other than to mist, she's staying up high and away on a shelf to molt.

Sucks this had to be our first molt.

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Is she still alive? There is a possibility she might make it if she shows desire to live. Honeywater and bug goo on a toothpick (if she is still alive anyway) and see if she can pull herself together. 

If not you may have to put her down. One humane way is to put her in freezer for 24 hrs. 

Do what you think is best is my advice. Good luck!

Honey water can work miracles! It's a good sign that she is hanging in there 👍 you never know, so Keep trying! Maybe she will take a bit of food later. 

Molting is a difficult process and takes a ton of energy. I've had mantids seem done for after a molt and then honey water saved the day. 

There's no telling with mantids sometimes, so Keep trying until she stops trying too
