we were thinking oftrying lacewings for feeding our mantids. What can we do to help breeding proces of lacewings? Can I use something similar to the fruit fly Culture? I would appreciate ANY feedback!!
Lacewing larva (ant lions) require a diet of live insects. For that reason alone I wouldn't recommend that you culture them for food. Why would you want to feed live insects to feeder insects?
This time of year you can catch plenty of lacewings. My nymphs love them.
only way i could see it working would be to have a large sandy area for the ant lions and have a formicurum nearby... as the name suggests they eat ants... but if the mantid is big enough to eat lacewings, you might as well feed it on ants! - people say that you shouldn't feed ants to a mantid but when the mantid is ore than an inch long, what can one ant do...
i read they're called aphid lions, i guess they have a few titles. i've never seen a nymph but right now i have a few lacewings in my room. their cocoons are pretty cool, on long stems
Lacewing larvae are similar to antlions except that they are smaller, and don't make pits. Their morphology is similar, but they feed on aphids, not ants and as Johnald mentioned are sometimes called aphid lions. A lot of beneficial insect suppliers sell lacewings.