Leaving the hobby


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agent A

the autistic flower mantis
Supporting Member
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
hey all,
so I doubt anyone will care and I don't really owe anyone an answer but I am leaving the mantis hobby
the community has become incredibly toxic over the years. there's no room or tolerance for any kind of neurodiversity, and the community as a whole is too religious for my comfort. There were several people on social media telling my friend how I make them uncomfortable, and they never considered how they made me uncomfortable. I'm getting really sick of the drama and the pettiness between a lot of the people around here and on other platforms
I also have little time for the mantis game anymore and it's a major financial drain. I enjoy rearing leps far more and I'm going to focus more on that passion because it just makes me happier and the lep community is far more suitable to me.
Also would people (mostly on insta) stop telling me I should stay just because I'm good at it? I need to do things that are better for me
Oh. I'm sorry it ended like this. I'm also sorry that mantises are no longer enjoyable for you as well. You're a good friend and I'll miss having you in the community. I know we have our differences, but I do genuinely enjoy your company (even if I do have to keep online friends at a bit of a distance for my own mental health). Goodbye Alex and good luck. I'll be on instagram if you ever want to chat. ;w; I'd love to hear about your leps (I want one and I'm in love).

If you would like, I'm more than willing to help you rehome ooths/mantises. I can't really take on much, but there's plenty of people I can reach out to.
I am sorry to see you leave the forum and stop working with mantids. Since 1968 have reared Leps, butterflies and moths, and loved it. Switched to mantids because I can't rear leps any more-diagnosed with Parkinson's, necessarily stopped driving, and cannot go to our mountains or anywhere for host plants. Rearing mantids is more of a front porch delivery for enclosures. mantids, and feeders.
May you find your peace and happiness, and I sincerely hope you do, since it is, I think, the epitome of insect hobbies.
hey all,
so I doubt anyone will care and I don't really owe anyone an answer but I am leaving the mantis hobby
the community has become incredibly toxic over the years. there's no room or tolerance for any kind of neurodiversity, and the community as a whole is too religious for my comfort. There were several people on social media telling my friend how I make them uncomfortable, and they never considered how they made me uncomfortable. I'm getting really sick of the drama and the pettiness between a lot of the people around here and on other platforms
I also have little time for the mantis game anymore and it's a major financial drain. I enjoy rearing leps far more and I'm going to focus more on that passion because it just makes me happier and the lep community is far more suitable to me.
Also would people (mostly on insta) stop telling me I should stay just because I'm good at it? I need to do things that are better for me
That’s sad, people can be cruel. Wish you all the best and hope to stay in touch? Craig
I don't really know you but being neurodivergent myself I understand about people making you uncomfortable and visa versa. It took me 50 some years to figure out that I wasn't the only one, and that it wasn't my "fault." It's too bad you're leaving, I would have liked to know you better. Find your happiness and don't let anyone tell you there is anything wrong with it. Neurodivergents make up some of the greatest minds in history...
That is too bad! I have had similar experience on another forum in the past. They would be very critical with my ideas. I have a lot of pride, so I am sensitive to even little things that people might say. I am sorry that you have to leave because of this. Enjoy raising the moths and butterflies! Did you know that butterflies are just a kind of moth now? I read that the butterflies are genetically a type of moth.
I am so sorry to hear that. I just bought some mantis from you and you are a really great seller.
I hope you would be back to the hobby.
Sorry to hear this, Agent A. I've been on this forum for just a couple weeks and you've already proven yourself so helpful and knowledgeable.

I wish you the best on your ventures, but if life ever brings you back to our little praying invertebrates, we'll be here to welcome you back.
