Let me draw one of your mantids!


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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2014
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So, I'm an illustrator by day, and wannabe amateur entomologist by night!

Every morning, I have to do a few warm-up sketches to get started before I work on client paid illustrations. I think mantids are really adorable, and drawing insects in kind of something I love doing :]

SO, it might be some fun if you guys could post photos of one or two of the favorite mantids you own currently, or have owned in the past, and I will sketch them and post the drawings here for you! Tell me if it's a male or female, and if you want, tell me about the kind of personality you'd think they'd have! (a little anthropomophising is always fun, right?)

It might just be black and white sketches, or I might slap some color onto them if I'm feeling up for it! It'll really depend on how much energy I have in the morning :]

I doodled my little miss as an example!:


So, go ahead and post a photo of one of your mantids if you'd like, and I may draw them for you! :D We'll see how long I can keep this up!

(also, I apologize if this is the wrong forum!)

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First of all I must say, you have a wonderful talent! I want that pic for my site!!!! please!

First of all I must say, you have a wonderful talent! I want that pic for my site!!!! please!
You may! All I ask is that you credit me by linking to my art blog, please :D http://painting-bees.tumblr.com (And thank you for the kind words!!)

@Sally: Oh gosh, is that a female orchid with a tiny male on her back? Hahaha that prince charming is the tiniest prince! Sweet looking pair :> They'll be fun to sketch!

Can I send a pic to an email address? This site wont accept my pictures for some reason. Pm me.(personal message).

She will be sorry she asked this soon! we all want them!

ps, do you have a facebook page? I will show you off there.

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You may! All I ask is that you credit me by linking to my art blog, please :D http://painting-bees.tumblr.com (And thank you for the kind words!!) @Sally: Oh gosh, is that a female orchid with a tiny male on her back? Hahaha that prince charming is the tiniest prince! Sweet looking pair :> They'll be fun to sketch!
Yes, my Orchid pair. They are adorable :)
Here is my sweet female ghost, Phoebe:


Your drawings are very, very good, and so cute! :) Like Rebecca said, you will soon be regretting this though... :lol:


Female is green and male is brown he is shy.



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wow! I'm glad there's so much interest! * U* I'll be doing at least one a day, so keep postin' photos if you want to see one of your babes doodled! :D
Here's a sketch for you, Sally!:


I think the poor boy saw his life flash before his eyes upon receiving that big kiss on his tiny face!
(also, orchid mantises are frilliest mantises!)

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