let's start a thread of mundane occurrences!


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I just asked my professor if I could swear (within reason) on reading reflections
swearing is a GREAT way to convey passion or a strong feeling (I was gonna say "****", not anything that bad)
I just asked my professor if I could swear (within reason) on reading reflections
swearing is a GREAT way to convey passion or a strong feeling (I was gonna say "****", not anything that bad)
I can already hear Rebecca getting the newspaper. I better beat her to it. >: )
I've had a slightly productive day
we had prospective roommates over and I'm doing homework. i didn't feel like doing very much animal or cleaning wise-I'll do that tomorrow
My cat got on the bed this morning after he heard my alarm go off. He's a good boy, and knows that he's not allowed to "talk" (or scream. Let's be honest. It's screams) to me or get on my chest unless I've acknowledged him and I'm "officially" awake (I often wake up multiple times in the morning, so have to enforce this rule or I'd never get back to sleep).

The HUGE purr that rolled through the room after I said "hi" (and the subsequent snuggly ball of cat) just made my morning.
My cat got on the bed this morning after he heard my alarm go off. He's a good boy, and knows that he's not allowed to "talk" (or scream. Let's be honest. It's screams) to me or get on my chest unless I've acknowledged him and I'm "officially" awake (I often wake up multiple times in the morning, so have to enforce this rule or I'd never get back to sleep).

The HUGE purr that rolled through the room after I said "hi" (and the subsequent snuggly ball of cat) just made my morning.
How do set and enforce this rule? I’d like to have a cat in the future but I’d also like to be able to sleep in.
How do set and enforce this rule? I’d like to have a cat in the future but I’d also like to be able to sleep in.
He used to wake me up anywhere between 3-5am every morning begging for food so uh I definitely needed to do something.

What I got to work was actually a lot simpler than I imagined. With cats, any kind of attention is a reward, whether it's praise or scolding. So yelling at him to get off the bed wouldn't have been effective either. Instead, any time he'd be screaming at me to wake up (or licking my nose, which was his favorite method and I admit I encouraged it at first cause it was cute AF), I would just....pick him up off the bed without a word and set him on the floor again. And then go back to sleep. He very quickly got grumbly and caught on that he wasn't getting anything he wanted from the arrangement. He knows he's allowed to be on the bed while I'm sleeping, because I didn't want to discourage that. And that he can lay on me and purr, if he so desires (I can go back to sleep with this no problem lol). Just no screaming and no licking my nose.

I actually have two cats who follow these rules. Even on the weekends when I sleep in and they don't get breakfast until sometimes 3 hours past their usual time. They're certainly not happy about it and will let me know, vocally, as soon as they know I'm officially awake. But they wait until I'm awake xD
Cats are extremely routine based, so if you were feeding them in the early morning, it doesn't surprise me that they were screaming at you. This does sound pretty cool though. Hope it works in the future for me.
Cats are extremely routine based, so if you were feeding them in the early morning, it doesn't surprise me that they were screaming at you. This does sound pretty cool though. Hope it works in the future for me.

They very much are! And I've unfortunately trained them to "momther has come back from a smoke break! It is time for food!! FOOOOOD!!" even if it's a couple hours early lol. I haven't bothered training them out of that one though, cause hey, I'm awake! You shouldn't have any problems with it, it's definitely the best way to train them that I've found so far!
I had an awesome dream last night about a mantis species my brain made up. It was like a fall red color and looked like a mix of Hymenopus coronatus and Deroplatys desiccata. It only reached about 2-3 inches. Its scientific name was Chlrorini something and they were all kept in this giant terrarium that was really just a big log. They were an endangered species too and could only be found in a midwestern part of my state because of air quality??? I just remember a big visual describing pollution and then their native zone which was just a singular forest. Apparently, they were also very communal since there was i1 nymphs in the same enclosure as adults. I got to hold one!

All in all, a super cool dream.

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