You are absolutely correct on all but one major point. The public school system has PLENTY of gov't me. When I look at my property taxes for the year and see a couple hundred dollars going to "school fund" and then take into consideration all of our income tax & the gov't funding, they have PLENTY to go around. Here, EVERYONE that owns property pays school tax, even if they don't live on the property or don't have any kids in the school system. THEN, you get the local public schools that charges FEES, for this & that, whatever they think the kids "need", PLUS expect you to buy their school supplies every year (from a list dictated to you by the TEACHERS, based on their preferences of what will make THEIR life easier)...they have PLENTY of funding. What are they using it all for, I wonder? To sit there and tell me that my son can't go on the Senior Trip, to the Senior Prom, or attend pretty much ANY "function" with the word 'Senior' in it until we pay some $200+ MORE in "student fees"??? That's just freaking ridiculous. Needless to say, my poor kid has had a pretty boring Senior year so far, because I basically feel like I shouldn't have to pay for all this stuff that's SUPPOSED to be free (but in reality, we've already paid for in our taxes). Now, they want me to purchase his "cap & gown" for $90. I'm thinking I may just MAKE it. :angry:
I DO agree that much of it has to do with the parental/familial situation many modern families face. I can't even tell you how many of my older daughter's friends have parents who are either absent, involved in drugs, or simply don't care where their kids are or what they do. THIS is what I wanted her to get away from. Friends who pressure her about sex, friends who have pregnancy scares on a regular basis, friends who do drugs and offer them to her. You can sit there and say, "Well, don't let her hang out with them" all you want, but you know what? I DIDN'T in our personal time...however, I can't control who she "hangs out" with at school! I can't tell the teachers or principal to keep my 15-yr-old away from certain people at the school and reasonably expect them to do so.
The problem, as I see it, is that much of our society...particularly our schools...have been taken over by a liberal bias. You can't punish your child anymore in certain areas without someone butting their nose in. When I lived in California, I lived in a state of constant paranoia that someone would see me scolding my children in public and call the cops. Not punching or slapping, but SCOLDING. THAT'S how bad it was! (I was actually in a store once when it happened to another woman!) The schools HERE in Oklahoma still have "corporal punishment" but they WILL NOT use it...ever! My youngest son kept acting up the first two years we lived here and my husband, at that time, told me that they have corporal punishment, so I told them, "Swat him! He'll straighten up!" but they refused...and his teacher then decided that it would be best to have him assessed for Asperger's. REALLY? I tell them that he's playing them the fool & enjoys playing mind games with them (like trying to get away with "I don't know why I do bad things.") & they want to slap a label on him? Oh, let's perhaps give him some medication, too! Maybe THEN he'll be a good little zombie boy & sit & learn at the same boring rate as the rest of the repressed class!
This mentality is bleeding into our now young adult society. Lack of ethics (from getting away with stuff when they were kids), lack of good work habits (from being able to "just get by" in school), lack of morals or decency (I blame a lot of this on the entertainment industry), lack of attention/care (again, long is the average TV show??), lack of care for anything but themselves & their own (culmination of all of the above).
Until the public schools become single-sex & institute the use of uniforms & proper moral education, I will keep as many of MINE out of it as possible! ('Sex education'? How about 'abstinence education'? Or better yet...How about MORAL education? That would be the ideal solution!)
But, that's just MY two-cents.