Majesty died...


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Yes - S. Limbata is a great species. I don't feel sorry for crickets when the praying mantises eat them, just remembering what they did to Fiona. :angry: Anyway, I definitely sounds like she was aging... :)
I agree. And watching a mantid eat is way too cool to me, I hardly think about what the crickets feel. Too busy taking pictures of the incredible act of a mantid catching and eating its prey. Poor Fiona (did you get that from Shrek?) and yeah, I think so. Oh well, at least she was happy while she was alive. :D

It starts with one and ends with hundreds lol JK funny thing is I used to like males better and now all of my favorites besides Leia and now Grizwald who is the ****** dead leaf are all females,I think their size and audacity makes them feel less threatened and on egde and they are much more still,but just certain ones you click with more because of how they act and interact with you. New babies always help ;) theres more pride in owning ones that you've seen from day one,they end up soo much more tame and used to you as well
Lol. I like both male and female mantids. For different reasons! Haha the females are adorable though. I never had a male yet so I want one eventually. Might already have one, I'm not sure, yet. And talking about babies, not only will I have 2 Tenodera Sinensis, but I'm buying 2 Ghost nymphs, too. :) That way if one of each dies, I'll still have two, and they'll be of a different genus, which is sweet. My parents are gonna be like "2 more?!" lol.

Oh yeah, my Tenodera Sinensis nymphs are already used to me! They used to run away and avoid my hand now they crawl right up! Like they're thinking "yay, time to come out...!" lol.

Oh, your T. Sinensis's sound really sweet - I love the ones that are friendly like that. That's exciting that you're buying two Ghosts, too - that's my favorite exotic species (although sadly I've never had one...) I'm looking forward to seeing pictures!

I know - my parents have just consented to the mazes of yarn stretched taped across the ceiling with mantid containers hanging from them.

By the way, since you know so much about S. Limbata, I was wondering if you could tell me how many instars male and female go through before adulthood. I've been meaning to find out, and you seem and ideal person to ask. :)

I was just looking through some photos of Majesty. She was so beautiful. I was thinking about her as I was catching flies this morning for my female limbata, Deirdre. I'll miss her.


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Oh, your T. Sinensis's sound really sweet - I love the ones that are friendly like that. That's exciting that you're buying two Ghosts, too - that's my favorite exotic species (although sadly I've never had one...) I'm looking forward to seeing pictures!

I know - my parents have just consented to the mazes of yarn stretched taped across the ceiling with mantid containers hanging from them.

By the way, since you know so much about S. Limbata, I was wondering if you could tell me how many instars male and female go through before adulthood. I've been meaning to find out, and you seem and ideal person to ask. :)

I was just looking through some photos of Majesty. She was so beautiful. I was thinking about her as I was catching flies this morning for my female limbata, Deirdre. I'll miss her.

They are, haha. :)

Yeah I'm gonna like those ghosts, I always considered them to be beautiful with their 'crowns'... as if they're royalty, royal miniature aliens, haha. Chivalry is selling them you should ask her for some ghosts if you want them.

Lol. My dad doesn't really mind but my mom freaks out. She wouldn't even let me feed the nymphs the fruit flies in the house at first, haha.

The Stagmomantis Limbata molt 6 times, then they're adult. :D

Majesty really was beautiful and very cute. I spend a lot more time with the nymphs now to replace the time I spent with her.

- Alex

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Both males and females molt six times? Thanks :)

Lol my mom freaks out whenever I try to show her mantids eating or talk about oothecae. My dad doesn't like to touch then, but he's okay with them.

Good luck with your ghosties! :)

Both males and females molt six times? Thanks :)

Lol my mom freaks out whenever I try to show her mantids eating or talk about oothecae. My dad doesn't like to touch then, but he's okay with them.

Good luck with your ghosties! :)
They have more than 6 moults.
Both males and females molt six times? Thanks :)

Lol my mom freaks out whenever I try to show her mantids eating or talk about oothecae. My dad doesn't like to touch then, but he's okay with them.

Good luck with your ghosties! :)
I'm not sure about males, I had two female Stagmomantis Limbata, and Majesty was the one who lived til adulthood, after 6 molts her wings grew in and she became an adult.

Lol my mom's the same way and my dad held Majesty a few times though. :p


So sorry for you. I understand how you feel, it's happened alot with me :( The worst was my female idolo. She just suddenly was on the ground, dying. I would daily feed her honey, until one day she was gone. I couldn't bury her, i had to have my dad do it :( :( But it does happen alot in this hobby. Mantids are (sadly) ephemeral creatures :( :(

So sorry for you. I understand how you feel, it's happened alot with me :( The worst was my female idolo. She just suddenly was on the ground, dying. I would daily feed her honey, until one day she was gone. I couldn't bury her, i had to have my dad do it :( :( But it does happen alot in this hobby. Mantids are (sadly) ephemeral creatures :( :(
Thanks for the empathy. How long have you been owning mantids? That sucks about you're idolomantis. It's not fun at all to watch them die. That's cute that she liked honey. Majesty had odd taste, as well, she enjoyed fruits and vegetables as well as living things. I haven't buried Majesty, I wrapped her mummy-style in toilet paper then put her in a medicine bottle. And my previous Stagmomantis Limbata I let outside during her last seconds of living. My family members were telling me to kill her and put her out of her misery and I wanted to but I just couldn't. So I let her outside for her last minutes of living. Then the next day her body was gone.

I figure as long as you get new mantids they'll be able to make you feel better for losing your previous mantid. They don't replace them but they definitely make you feel better.

I always have to have my Dad do it too. I can't stand burying my old friends. And if my dad's out of town, my mom has to do it. Which she doesn't care for :D
That's nice that he does it for you. It is hard when they die. And lol at least your mom does it even though she doesn't care to I guess...
