Mantid behavior


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Nov 10, 2006
Reaction score
Freehold, NJ USA
My wife and I have gotten into keeping mantises as pets and really love them. Our current "stable" consists of a very large Chinese female, a European female and male, and a Carolina female.

All of them exhibit interesting behavior and we were wondering what sorts of behaviors your mantises exhibit.


Two of our mantises will actually fly to us (one of them almost does it on command);

They enjoy drinking water, chicken broth, etc, from a spoon; (one of them ate orange sherbert from a spoon).

The European male will sit on your finger, put his head down so he looks like he's in trouble, lower his antennae all the way down and then grab on to you for dear life. But he doesn't do anything else that would resemble "mating" behavior.

They all seem to be fascinated with cameras and electronics, and will readily approach you if you are holding such a device.

Occasionally, they like to lick the salt from our skin. Very interesting sensation...

We had one Chinese female that was captivated by computer video games, and she would occasionally try to grab objects off of the monitor.

Another Chinese female was mesmerized by the second hand of my watch.

They all like to play in a very gentle water stream from the faucet.

All of this has convinced us that mantises are not just another insect, but are very high-functioning creatures. And we will always keep them in our home.

wow thats really cool. sounds awesome. the only thing to be careful with is the putting his head down like hes in trouble. i asked about mine doing that, and found that it is a sign of dehydration. maybe mist their cage a bit more. or he could just like doing it lol, just trying to warn u though, thats what mine did too.

as long as he doesn't try to like the salt off your hand when he puts his head down (if he does put some drops of water on your hand for them to drink)

Interesting about the dehydration theory. However, they all get misted regularly and Alex is the only one of the mantises who does this.

Incidentally, if I try to move him off my finger when he's acting this way, he really digs in with his raptors. It is impossible to move him when he's acting this way.

Welcome neburg. We have an introductions forum in which to introduce yourself to the group.
