Mantid Care


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Wyatt Earp

Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Howdy All!

I regrettably do not own a mantis yet but I would absolutely love to. Figured I could at least learn something about them before I bought one. What are they like to care for? Easy, somewhat easy, difficult? What are their basic needs, what can they be fed, are they communal. . . my list goes on and on. So feel free to hit me up with any and everything you got! Thanks!


Most species are easy enough to care for , but most are not communal.

My favorite insect by far and a pleasure to keep.

Since Im to lazy for specifics here's a care sheet thread that you should browse through :

They generally are easy to feed, ( crickets, house flies ,moths , roaches etc ) and will basically attack anything smaller then them.

If you want a Large and entertaining mantis to watch during feeding I would go with the Tenodera Sinensis. ( Chinese Mantis ). They have the classic mantis build and have been known to take down mice and hummingbirds ( though this is not recommended )

Despite their size and vigor they are very friendly and are perfectly okay to be handled. This though , apples to most species out there.

All mantids so far as I know are the most " social " insects I've ever known and are very charismatic. They are the top of the insect hobby for me and probably many others. I totally recommend you purchase one

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