Mantid problem!!! please help!


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Active member
Jul 10, 2011
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so i caught a greenish,pale Stagmomantis californica a week ago. it was doing good but then it sopped being active yesterday, it can barely hold on to the plants and screen inside of its terrarium and it wont catch any insects anymore. im thinking it might either:A) Moly or B) Die. please help me!! i believe it might be a L3 mantid.

so i caught a greenish,pale Stagmomantis californica a week ago. it was doing good but then it sopped being active yesterday, it can barely hold on to the plants and screen inside of its terrarium and it wont catch any insects anymore. im thinking it might either:A) Moly or B) Die. please help me!! i believe it might be a L3 mantid.
I think that you are right. Let us know which!

If it can't really hold on to anything in the terrarium, you could consider adding some medium it could grip.. paper towels or dry branches/sticks would be easiest i think.

All the best..!!

thing is.. he looked healthy for the first few days, and well i really hope its a molt because i only have one shot at prayingmantises because i catch them. and they are hard to find over here

nevermind all hope is lost one of its legs is broken :(
Cheer up, all hope is not lost... :)

I wonder how it broke its leg, but that usually won't prove fatal to the moulting process. If it really is L3, there is a very good chance it'll be able to regain all of that limb's functionality before it reaches adulthood. A bleaker scenario would be if it loses the whole limb during moulting, but the mantis will live (and probably regenerate a miniature leg eventually).

Based on what I know, I think it is best to just assume it's about to moult. All you can do would be to provide it with a vertical/angled surface it can grip, mist the terrarium a little, and then leave it alone (don't let it notice you if you come by to check...)

If the problem isn't related to moulting, I'm afraid there might not be much you can do except continue (once in awhile) to see if it would accept any food. You can also make sure that the terrarium is well-ventilated and there isn't much stagnant moisture lying about (i think too much humidity is just as bad as too little)

I'm no expert, but this is what i'd do...

i woke up this morning and he/she was dead :(
Bummer! It seems almost certain that the mantis was already dying when you found it. Much more important is whether this disappointment will cause you to drop out of a hobby that you have apparently just joined. Do you plan on catching/buying more mantids? I have e a few exotic nymphs that grow into very pretty mantids, and i would be happy to let you have a couple just for the price of postage (about $7, Priority) if you are interested.

Bummer! It seems almost certain that the mantis was already dying when you found it. Much more important is whether this disappointment will cause you to drop out of a hobby that you have apparently just joined. Do you plan on catching/buying more mantids? I have e a few exotic nymphs that grow into very pretty mantids, and i would be happy to let you have a couple just for the price of postage (about $7, Priority) if you are interested.
i do plan on catching but what species of nymph are they?

I have a cuppla Sybilla pretiosa, too few for a breeding colony or sale. They are at L4, unsexed, strong advocates of Platforma Obywatelska, and have a slight Polish accent. If you're interested, let me know. :D

I have a cuppla Sybilla pretiosa, too few for a breeding colony or sale. They are at L4, unsexed, strong advocates of Platforma Obywatelska, and have a slight Polish accent. If you're interested, let me know. :D
you're really a top guy :rockon:

I have a cuppla Sybilla pretiosa, too few for a breeding colony or sale. They are at L4, unsexed, strong advocates of Platforma Obywatelska, and have a slight Polish accent. If you're interested, let me know.
Thats so kind of you to do for him,Sybilla pretiosa's are beautiful, those are known as cryptics right?
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