Mantids do not feel pain


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I think most would say mantis(bugs) don't feel pain, but what about when like I have done more than once, you close a door of a multi mantis enclosure just to see very quickly one has moved his/her foot in the door crevasse and they start thrashing all around violently till you quickly open it back up and they run away grabbing the foot and putting it in their mouth just like we do when we bang or cut a finger?

Looks just like pain to me, and I'm sure many others have seen the same type behavior...

But then again I don't think dogs and cats get enough credit for their thinking abilities, emotions, or feelings either!?!

I think most would say mantis(bugs) don't feel pain, but what about when like I have done more than once, you close a door of a multi mantis enclosure just to see very quickly one has moved his/her foot in the door crevasse and they start thrashing all around violently till you quickly open it back up and they run away grabbing the foot and putting it in their mouth just like we do when we bang or cut a finger?

Looks just like pain to me, and I'm sure many others have seen the same type behavior...

But then again I don't think dogs and cats get enough credit for their thinking abilities, emotions, or feelings either!?!
They seem to feel the pinch and they know they are hurt but they do not feel pain. I posted this topic because some people think mantids feel pain. Is feeling sick different from pain?
All arthropods lack pain sensors, so the list includes crutaceans and arachnids as well. If they get trapped or pinched as you say they won't feel pain but they feel that their stuck and from my standards no animal likes to be stuck. Take for example if you gently grab a dog or cat's leg, after a while they will try really hard to get loose. They aren't feeling pain, they are feeling trapped, difference.

As for being sick you don't need to be in pain to know if you're ill. You can just know by feeling different, tired, dizzy, uneasy, cold, warm. Those aren't pain sensations. If you want pain, kidney stone is a good example of it, now that's pain. Of course insects don't have such issues but take the blockage of the digestive system. Mantids will feel that there's something wrong but it won't hurt them. Maybe their feeling something like us with a full stomach after a big meal. That sensation doesn't cause pain but we feel it.

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So there is no reason to freeze a mantis when it seems like it is going to die. I never did, I would not like to.

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I never froze a mantis either and i don't intend to. I just imagine an insects death as a long fade out. Their body's just slowly shutting down until everythings gone black. Despite the rather turbulent deaths of some, with convulsions and such, they don't feel pain. It's just the nervous system coming to a definite halt.

Did you know that they have another brain like thing on the end of their abdomen? So they can live a while without a head.

Did you know that they have another brain like thing on the end of their abdomen? So they can live a while without a head.
That explains how males can continue mating after being decapitated then, it would seem it is true males sometimes think with their genitals haha.

That explains how males can continue mating after being decapitated then, it would seem it is true males sometimes think with their genitals haha.
Exactly, that's what it's for. However i once read that the 2nd brain was in the thorax. Not sure which is right. Only males have it though.

This is what is referred to as thinking with your little brain. I suppose all males have them. Though some guys don't seem to endowed upstairs. I feel sorry for them downstairs in the "little" department. :lol:

You will have to come up with a better article than that. While the pain an invertebrate feels may not be exactly what we feel, I can assure you they can perceive something akin to "pain". Sadly, there is little information on the topic but they few I found all seem to agree that insects do feel some variation of pain.

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I don't know if it's religious, but maybe all this "no pain" stems back to Eve eating the apple and pain and death was her reward and for the rest of humanity. Maybe only humans are "supposed" to feel pain. Have you ever asked a bug?

You will have to come up with a better article than that. While the pain an invertebrate feels may not be exactly what we feel, I can assure you they can perceive something akin to "pain". Sadly, there is little information on the topic but they few I found all seem to agree that insects do feel some variation of pain.
Wow, OK. Thank you, I did not know that. Sorry, this was not good enough to post.
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