Mantids do not feel pain


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Sound is measured in decibels, and decibels need ear or like instrument to be heard, so no ear no sound?

Anyways how can I believe someone who washes their mantis in the washing machine! LOL :D
i already yelled at my sis abt it, she shoulda looked better, she new the mantis was missing and liked the curtains :mad:

oye I just wrote a post about this in an unrelated thread. but point is I believe there is alot more studies that need to be done before this gets decided

i'll try and make it short and sweet. Might show that pain can be percieved through ways alternative to nociception, And that is in humans. I am still reading this one but it looks to have some good info. I kinda skimmed ricks post but I think it covers alot of the same stuff plus some

I dunno i was just doing a little surfing on the subject and figure i'd maybe bring the debate back to life


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