Mantids flock to me :)


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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
Reaction score
Independence, Missouri, USA
So last night when my girlfriend and i were walking up the stairs to our apartment after college. I go to open our door and she screams, "Baby, BABY, another Chinese!" I was thoroughly excited and went to her to inspect. He was a beautiful specimen. One of the largest I've seen since Scythe, and he was right outside our front door on a rail.

The weird thing is he just let me pick him up. Didn't seem to be afraid in the least bit, I just held out my hand he climbed right up and proceeded to climb as fast as he could to the top of my head, and sat there for the next two hours while I was cooking dinner, and watching a movie.

Even more weird is that of the 4 Chinese males I've had so far he and Scythe were the only ones with Orange bellies and completely Visible pupils, it almost looks as if he has iris's. It's like he's my favorite mantis, re-incarnate haha.

So now I have 3 Chinese males and a Carolina Sp. male. No female, anyone have any tips on finding some girlies? :)

I've found equal numbers of males and females. That's pretty awesome though! Especially that your girl is so into it too. My boyfriend calls me the crazy bug lady.... :lol:

When I found my first mantis, a Carolina male nymph, he just climbed right on. :lol: Thats what got me into mantids. I like how they seem to tolerate us. You are lucky that your girl seems to like the mantids. My husband thought they were cool for a whole 2 minutes. <_<

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When I found my first mantis, a Carolina male nymph, he just climbed right on. :lol: Thats what got me into mantids. I like how they seem to tolerate us. You are lucky that your girl seems to like the mantids. My husband thought they were cool for a whole 2 minutes. <_<
Scythe has returned, the rewards of being an exceptional mantid owner. +1 Laura, cool that your lady is supportive enough to be excited for you, like so many things mine just puts up with it. :lol:

Have you bestowed your new male with a name?

Very common to find males this time of year. THey are very active. To find females you will need to find their actual habitat which is usually weedy areas with lots of food.

My boyfriend calls me the crazy bug lady....
Hey, if the shoe fits..... :p

My wife thinks I'm stark raving nuts.

Not only do I like the mantids....I also have a large collection of carnivorous plants.

And I'm known to pick up and examine pretty much any critter that strays onto my property (or in front of me, or really anywhere in my eyesight).

The worst part for my wife (who likes exactly TWO animals - horses and cats - and is SCARED of most others) is that my two daughers are following in my footsteps.

We'll break her, yes we will. ;)

Hey, if the shoe fits..... :p

My wife thinks I'm stark raving nuts.

Not only do I like the mantids....I also have a large collection of carnivorous plants.

And I'm known to pick up and examine pretty much any critter that strays onto my property (or in front of me, or really anywhere in my eyesight).

The worst part for my wife (who likes exactly TWO animals - horses and cats - and is SCARED of most others) is that my two daughers are following in my footsteps.

We'll break her, yes we will. ;)
Ha! My son loves my bugs, and my new carnivorous plants, and my 2 roach colonies, and my mass of flies....I tell my boyfriend he knew what this was....

yes u will break her! and 2 minutes, is that a record? or what! :lol: and u tell him that next time he complaines, that he knew u were crazy the minute he set eyes on you:lol:

yes u will break her! and 2 minutes, is that a record? or what! :lol: and u tell him that next time he complaines, that he knew u were crazy the minute he set eyes on you:lol:
:lol: That is exactly what I tell my husband. My daughter is the one who got me started on inverts, so it is 2 against 1 over here when he decides to get all anti-invert on us. :tt2:

I tell you what, likebugs, we can do a swap. Your anti-invert husband can have my anti-everything-non-human wife. :rolleyes: :eek: :tt1:
:blink: :eek: :lol: That would actually be cool, if only we could convince them. :lol: I have had trouble breeding my Chinese mantids, (an uninterested male). I wonder what would happen if you throw 2 humans together in a container. :eek: I am totally just kidding. :D
