Mantis broke leg. Infection? emergency!


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Aug 16, 2015
Reaction score
Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
Hello, I am new to the mantis world, and I have an pregnant European Mantis.

Three days ago I found that she was missing the tarsus of one of its walking legs. I don't know how she broke it, and the tip of the broken leg had become black. The next day I found out that the black area had spread and was now 2 mm long, so I became worried. Now, it is around 3 mm long and I fear it will keep on spreading until it kills the mantis.

I would say that it is a fungal infection. I keep her in a large plastic container which had only a small amount of holes, and there was a lot of humidity, plus the remains of unfinished feeder insects in the substrate. Today I decided to open two very big holes and covered them with a net to provide much more ventilation.

How can I stop the infection before she dies? Should I cut off her leg, or leave it as it is?

Also, she didn't eat anything yesterday and today she doesn't seem interested in the grasshoppers I gave her (even when they stay in front of her). This might be because two days ago she ate two big grasshoppers and now she isn't hungry, but I'm still worried.



You might want to increase ventilation (screen is good) and feed her honey, which has antimicrobial properties.

You can snip it off where the black ends in her leg. Ive done that myself. Sometimes its no good, it just stays and keep spreading. After you nip it off, put honey on it. It should help keep bacteria at a minimum.

I have used aloe with success on adults, after snipping. (They might get stuck if they need to still molt). Try not to let them eat it off until it dries. It dries pretty quickly. I have seen them eat it without harming them. Just a thought if the honey does not work. And yes, more ventilation!

Thank you all. I highly increased ventilation and now the black area isn't growing anymore, though if at some moment it keeps spreading I'll try the methods you suggested.

First off, nice to meet someone that lives a little closer to me :p

I had a female that suffered in a similar way but it was one of her fore limbs that was infected and spread very quickly. I cut her leg in the elbow and saved her life.

Young adult Religiosas need little to no humidity at all. They get all the water from their meals. Little moisture will surely speed up healing. Try all methods described above. If it stops great, otherwise my threshold is the joint. Cut before the infection gets there
