mantis condo


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How did you place the dividers in the middle? Would of been great if you had pictures building it step by step. Looks really Nice though, now you have me thinking o_0 lol' Where did you get the shelf from?
the dividers are the same fiberglass screening i used on the outside of it, i simply hot glued a "seal" around every inch of it, i was really paranoid about a mantis crossing over and getting eaten by its neighbor. i thought it would be hard, but it was the simple part, and worked great. the shelves came from Osh Hardware store and they were only 19.99. maybe i can do the step by step with the second one that is calling to me to get done. thanks for the compliment, i think it looks nice too. but, i had to move it back to the "bug room" today (until I get the door issue straitened out)as the boyfriend threatened to get raid for the loose flies.. :angry:
