Mantis handleing!


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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
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Somewhere awsome
Hi, Im just about to get a few chinese mantids and I have no clue on what is the best way to handle you mantis without it taking ofence and riping a tiny piece of your flesh of :lol: . I know that they like to crawl all up your arms so what do you do about that (I dont mind them doing that but I just dont want the to either fly or jump out of my reach) :p ? Is it ok If you lightly close your fingers around the mantis so it doesent get away, or will they bite you if you do that? Last question, what is the best way to tame your mantis? :rolleyes:

Mantids cannot be tamed. The easiest way to pick them up is to just let them walk onto your hand, or use some device such as a stick to lead them to your hand.

Yea, like Asa said. Just put your hand down slowly in front of them and they will usually walk onto it.

Best to go underneath them, they are gentle if you do not scare them and usually won't hurt you, just don't try to close your hand around them, they won't like that.

No need to be afraid of them if they aren't adults. I think you'll get the hang of it when you raise them from nymphs.

Chinese have great temperaments when it comes to handling. I have even handled several wild adult ones without so much as a ruffled wing on their part. The key to handling a mantis is to look at it as a joint process. You don't pick the mantis up, they crawl on you and you lift them up. Reaching to grab around a mantis is the quickest way to get nailed with a bite or claw because it is an instinctual reaction for them to lash out and try to flee.

Chinese are naturally mobile mantises so most don't need much encouragement to crawl up on your hand and then from one hand to the next. I usually set my hand a little higher than them since they prefer climbing up to begin with. To help get a slow mantis moving I usually try blowing first since that often stimulates them forward. If that doesn't work I will with my free hand gently brush a back leg or abdomen to coax them forward.

One important thing to look out for are the warning signs your freaking your mantis out. Chinese mantises will curl their butts, splay their claws to their side, spread their mandibles, and fixated their head and antennae toward what has spooked them. Adults will do this and also flare their wings for an added dramatic effect. If pushed further they will either fall backwards and flee or strike. No need to panic however, just slow down, don't try to poke or prod them. I find letting them see your face and swaying slightly like leaves in the wind usually gets them calmed down in seconds. Once they relax you can go about to trying to move them.

Another I'm freaking out sign the Chinese mantis will do is they will suddenly go ridged, often splaying out straight like a stick and lean low to the ground. This is not an attack pose but a defense one and if poked in this stage they will often try fleeing by releasing their hold and falling to the ground ridged like a stick dropping from a tree. Once again don't try to move them during this but give them a second to relax and see everything is fine.

Finally one word of warning, Chinese Mantises are very mobile little guys that can leap well and have been known to face hug. I've gotten face hopped by more times than I can count from nymphs to full grown adults. They seem drawn to the human face and the Chinese mantis isn't shy about leaping up to say hi. Now they simply hop right on all friendly like, but it can startle someone into swatting with lesser nerves. Thus I always like to give a word of warning with this species because when you are staring down at them and cooing at them, don't be surprised if they try to jump or fly up to you to say hi right back. :wub:

So your mantis will want to walk on to you for some reseon? :p Ive heard that they like to walk on you if they asosiate you with food, is that true?

Mantids are a look don't touch type of "pet" IMO. I do not handle mine ever unless I am cleaning a cage or moving one of them. I believe too much handling is bad.

Mantids are a look don't touch type of "pet" IMO. I do not handle mine ever unless I am cleaning a cage or moving one of them. I believe too much handling is bad.
my mantis religiosa got streesed out when i handled them however my hierodulas seemed to have no problems with it

i think there are some spieces who are sensitively for stress, and others are not.

Mantids are a look don't touch type of "pet" IMO. I do not handle mine ever unless I am cleaning a cage or moving one of them. I believe too much handling is bad.
Ohh yeah, but I would pretty much only handle them when someone says, "hay wuts dat in dat big ol cage in da corner?" Do chinese get a little less stress out when you handle them?

Ohh yeah, but I would pretty much only handle them when someone says, "hay wuts dat in dat big ol cage in da corner?" Do chinese get a little less stress out when you handle them?
chinese are preety much one of the less sensitive spieces but dont handle it TOO much

Do chinese get a little less stress out when you handle them?
All the Chinese I kept, both raised and wild caught, have never shown any ill effects nor signs of stress from being handled. In fact they seem more than willing participants and I haven't had a Chinese yet that wouldn't fly to me once they reached adulthood.That being said I think some species are more sensitive when it comes to handling. I think part of that also can occur with how some species are also naturally more still and into hiding. My ghost for instance was a real timid soul. He much preferred the safety of hiding behind his leaves and sticks of the cage so I only handled him when I needed to. On the other hand, I haven't had a Chinese mantis yet who will even touch any of the sticks or leaves in the cages. They prefer hanging out in the open from the roof or walls and completely ignore all the hard work I did in cage decorating. ;__;


you are WAY to concernd about being "attacked" by your mantis. Really, it probably will never, ever happen. L1-5 nymphs will just run away if they are scared, and bigger chinese will probably run too, and if not they do a threat display first, singnaling its time to leave them alone. Do not worry about this.

Second, the way you mentioned about lightly pinching them to pick them up will almost certainly result in death or injury. Your nymphs will be a lot smaller than you think. handle with care. let them "smell" you with their antennae and then they will probably crawl on you.

There is no such thing is to many questions!
for google, this is true. just try it first, then ask all us cranky bug people who get all mad at you! :D
