Mantis Handling and Taming!


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Apr 10, 2021
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Hi All!! 

I got another Q for y’all...

What do you guys do to ‘tame’ your mantises and get them used to being handled?? My Tenodera Sinensis nymphs seem to be getting more skittish with each molt. I just want to make it so they’re not super stressed each time. I prefer to feed them in separate containers outside of their regular enclosures, so they are handled a few times per week. 

The big question I have tho is regarding my Rhombodera Megaera....she likes to hang under the same leaf, day in and day out. I feel like pulling her out is stressful on her, but I really want to get her used to being handled. She is currently an L3 and due to molt soon (I’m guessing within the next week or so). I was actually worried she would molt in this position, so I removed the stick and cut a few of the leaves off in order to give her room (side question- does it look like she has enough room below her to molt here?). But, I just feel bad taking her out. 

Does anyone have any suggestions??

Additionally, I have her inside a 32 oz deli cup for now and plan to get a small terrarium for her as she gets bigger. At what stage would she be too large for the 32oz cup?? 

Thanks guys!! 




If she was happy there I would leave her alone. Taking them out and letting them sit with you is a good way to do it. Some keep them out for hours sitting by their pc or whatever. The more you handle them the easier it is. 

Thank you @hibiscusmile for consistently answering questions for everyone!! Super awesome of you, for real! 🙏

I have actually been bringing her over and letting her sit with me during the day while I’m working (still on that pandemic work-from-home life!). Right now, she’s just chillin & hanging out next to me, checking out her surroundings! 🥰 

She definitely has 3x her height below her, I was just concerned with other leaves being too close. The first time she molted (with me, from L2 to L3), she molted on the lid, which was perfect. But since I have added these specific leaves, it seems to be her chosen spot. I was worried the leaves would be too close to each other. 

I will just continue as I have been and monitor! 😉 hopefully they all become less skittish as we spend more time together!! 💚💚


You can’t tame a mantis. Basic as that. They don’t have the brain capacity to recognize/remember faces. Some are more docile and some are skittish. Also that rhombodera is male.

@MrGhostMantis I kinda thought that may be the case but wasn’t sure if anyone had been able to get them more ‘comfortable’ being handled. 

Also, why do you say the rhombodera is male? Just curious! I had previously posted an abdomen shot, and only count six total segments. Here’s a better abdomen shot! 


You can’t tame a mantis. Basic as that. They don’t have the brain capacity to recognize/remember faces. Some are more docile and some are skittish. Also that rhombodera is male.
Tame is likely a poor choice of a word, but mantises absolutely have the capacity to learn that something does not need to be viewed as a threat. Desensitizing them is the word I tend to use.

That's a good word for it. Thank you.

@MrGhostMantis I kinda thought that may be the case but wasn’t sure if anyone had been able to get them more ‘comfortable’ being handled.

Also, why do you say the rhombodera is male? Just curious! I had previously posted an abdomen shot, and only count six total segments. Here’s a better abdomen shot!

View attachment 14161
I have absolutely noticed many of my have absolutely become more habituated to my handling, when i used to feed my Chinese honey they would actively search my hand for it almost every time i opened my lid. Just handle them a lot and be gentle but just slightly more confident as you go so they get pretty indifferent to it. It also helps to handfeed them, that's helped all of mine "look forward" to disturbance as its often associated with food.

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