mantis murder mysteries!


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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2010
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Lol just a funny idea for a thread to vent out for halloween, hope everyones goes great give some melted chocolate to the mantoids(not your dogs though!)

Tale of the ghost mantis

In the vast, tropical plains of Madagascar, there once was a famous poacher that used to collect many animals from the region illegally. The man was able to smuggle many exotics off the island, sometimes with the help of their own government, unknowingly for the black market trade. One day the man was paid handsomely to retrieve a special palm that only grows there. Just a few seeds and branches would do. As he chopped down the branches of a beautiful palm, he witnessed a strange insect facing him with claws. The insect was a mantis with a long face, and wings that form around shields like a cape and armour. He flung the large mantis off the branch as he shook it and packed them up. He looked down on it before stepping with all of his weight, laughing manaically. he soon arrived back in new york with the rare merchandise to meet with the potential buyer. Technically the poacher and buyer never met, but because he knew the buyer through a very personal friend, he felt safe enough to follow through. They met at a hotel in west massachusetts. The hotel was run down and kind of messy to be considered a place of hospitable nature. There were flies everywhere and a lingering odor that couldnt shake no mater where the poacher went. The buyer was waiting for the poachers entrance. They shook hands and the buyer already had a cofee waiting for the poacher as they discussed their deal. They shook hands once more and then everything went dark for the poacher. When the poacher woke up from his unexpected comatose state, he found himself constrained, contained.. He sees on the other side of a thick looking glass; the buyer going through his collected palm branches. "Yes! there it is! The ghost!" the poacher screamed immediately for his release. The buyer heard the screams and approached the poached poacher. "Heyy your awake! yeah i really do need those palms, they are known for being a breeding place for a very special bug, a mantis. You know what the best food for mantis are? Flies.. Know how i get flies? Maggots, heh.. Know where i get maggots? Ask your buddy." all of a sudden, a light turned on in an identical glass holding cell next to the poacher containing the most horrific thing to see. "See, i didnt really know jimmy like that. Isnt he beautiful now.. Pure decomposition. Cant you believe how much life came from him?" there are flies and roaches infested in the next holding cell with a deceased person chained like him, his friend that referred this buyer to him. The chained friend looked to have perished from some sort of severe head trauma, most soft tissues exposed, facial features unrecognizable and swarming with pests.. The buyer then opens up the glass chamber and enters with a freaky smile and that same ghastly, ghost mantis from madagascar on his shoulder almost peering with a smile itself. "Your gonna end up just like him!!" the buyer screamed as he backed out and shut the chamber still looking at the poacher before he shut off the lights. All he could hear was the buzzing and scuttering of feeders before he heard another door open.. Ans felt them all on him. In him..... The end

I thank my many friends on this forum for making the acquisition of a mantis much less life threatening than this

thanks for the chuckle Bobericc
