Mantis Names


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Feb 22, 2024
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i’m thinking of names for a ghost mantis. i’m thinking of something space inspired, but i’m not quite sure. if anybody has a suggestion (astronomy or not) please tell me! anything is welcome.
Hmm maybe some of the NASA shuttle names? Challenger, Enterprise, Columbia, Discovery, Endeavour, Atlantis.
Some constellation names? Andromeda, Cepheus, Crux, Draco, Orion, Perseus, Pyxis, Vela.
There's not really any cool names for space structures or phenomena, but maybe Nebula? Or Meteor? Nearby,habitability of planets orbiting them.
Also check it! A telescope named MANTIS! My space-obsessed friend wasn't online to help me think of cool space things so I had to go on my own quest for them.
Hmm maybe some of the NASA shuttle names? Challenger, Enterprise, Columbia, Discovery, Endeavour, Atlantis.
Some constellation names? Andromeda, Cepheus, Crux, Draco, Orion, Perseus, Pyxis, Vela.
There's not really any cool names for space structures or phenomena, but maybe Nebula? Or Meteor? (Monitoring Activity from Nearby,habitability of planets orbiting them.
Also check it! A telescope named MANTIS! My space-obsessed friend wasn't online to help me think of cool space things so I had to go on my own quest for them.
that’s so funny! and those are definitely some good names, i’ll definitely take them into consideration. thank you!
Hmm maybe some of the NASA shuttle names? Challenger, Enterprise, Columbia, Discovery, Endeavour, Atlantis.
Some constellation names? Andromeda, Cepheus, Crux, Draco, Orion, Perseus, Pyxis, Vela.
There's not really any cool names for space structures or phenomena, but maybe Nebula? Or Meteor? (Monitoring Activity from Nearby,habitability of planets orbiting them.
Also check it! A telescope named MANTIS! My space-obsessed friend wasn't online to help me think of cool space things so I had to go on my own quest for them.
This gave me a idea, I’m gonna try and recreate it (and possibly a more mantis like iteration) in Karbala space program!
My space friend responded! Here are some space names they came up with!

  • pulsar [rotating neutron star]
  • quasar [AGN with jets]
  • blazar [AGN who's jet points towards earth]
  • corona [aura of plasma that covers cool stars]
  • epoch [time measurement for any 'era' of astronomical time]
  • equinox [when the earth's equator passes the center of the sun]
  • neutrino [a neutrally-charged elementary particle]
  • solstice [two times a year the sun reaches the most northernly/southernly point in sky seen from earth]
  • zenith [the point in the sky directly overhead an observer]
  • ceres [dwarf planet]
  • vesta [asteroid]
  • io [jovian satellite]
  • cal/callisto [jovian satellite]
  • wolf-rayet [star type]
  • charon [plutonian satellite]
  • haumea [dwarf planet]
  • halley [halley's comet]
  • andromeda [galaxy]
  • altair [11th brightest star in our sky]
  • cressida [uranus satellite]
My space friend responded! Here are some space names they came up with!

  • pulsar [rotating neutron star]
  • quasar [AGN with jets]
  • blazar [AGN who's jet points towards earth]
  • corona [aura of plasma that covers cool stars]
  • epoch [time measurement for any 'era' of astronomical time]
  • equinox [when the earth's equator passes the center of the sun]
  • neutrino [a neutrally-charged elementary particle]
  • solstice [two times a year the sun reaches the most northernly/southernly point in sky seen from earth]
  • zenith [the point in the sky directly overhead an observer]
  • ceres [dwarf planet]
  • vesta [asteroid]
  • io [jovian satellite]
  • cal/callisto [jovian satellite]
  • wolf-rayet [star type]
  • charon [plutonian satellite]
  • haumea [dwarf planet]
  • halley [halley's comet]
  • andromeda [galaxy]
  • altair [11th brightest star in our sky]
  • cressida [uranus satellite]
i was def thinking about the gallian (i think that’s how you spell it) moons! your just encouraging meeee its prob gonna be callisto but im also thinking of names from a game i like too