Hello I hatched an ooth back in April and am down to one Chinese mantis that I've kept as a pet. This is my first time owning a mantis so I'm still learning but I find him fascinating and a great pet.
A Chinese mantid is one of the most common "starter" species, but is one of the largest and can put away plenty of feeders.
I've raised many as they are common in my area. I actually have 5 ooths that I have incubating now as well of them. I would have preferred to incubated in the spring to release them, but as they have been in diapause (insect fridge) hiding in the very back on me until recently, I had to incubate them as they won't survive until next spring. So if you are interested in any more let me know and I'll ship some to you for just the shipping costs (should be hatching in about a month).