Mantis not eating


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Superlative Сasual Dating - Live Women
Apr 5, 2019
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Hey there. I'm getting kind of concerned cause this is how my last mantis passed. My Hierodula nymph is not eating anymore. I feed crickets as a main diet, and also use mealworms as well. He won't eat either of them for some reason. I'm confused why, and I'm scared he's gonna die. Anyone have ideas?

How long has it been? And the obvious: is it due to molt? 

I like crickets as a feeder, but they have to be perfectly kept before feeding them to avoid viruses and infection. This means flushing their innards with fresh foods for several days. And, keep the crickets clean and dry. The dryer the better. Dont ever mist them, use water crystals. 

How much misting of your mantis enclosures? After dry winter, we have to change our regime because it's just not as dry as it was. Mist less. I spray a very fine mist of distilled water to the inside lip of my cups for drinking once a day. Maybe a little in the fake foliage I provide. All the humidity comes from substrate alone, so a spray with with tap water once every two days, excluding humid species of course. They get it more often.

Excessive humidity is very bad for Hierodula. 

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Maybe your nymph is preparing to molt? They stop eating before molting. If it is not that, handfeed your nymph cricket abdomen. Put the juicy abdomen (with tweezers ) under his mouth so he can eat it.

Are your crickts not too big for your nympf?

@Little Mantis @hysteresisim pretty sure it's not due to molt. He molted last about almost 2 months ago. It's been like this now for about 4 days. I mist my enclosure about every day/other day. My house is dry, so it doesn't stay humid too long. It's also very nicely ventilated. But I'm not too sure about the size, it seems okay to me and he's eaten them before. 

How long should prep for a molt take? Not 4 days, right?

Mitch, is it adult with wings? 

You said Hierodula nymph. Two months is a lomg period. What instar? 

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@hysteresisyeah, it's a nymph. No wings yet, is it strange for him to not have molted yet?? It's the one I asked if it was a male or female a few days ago. 

@hysteresisyeah, your probably right. It's been like a month and a half though. Almost 2. But I finally got him to eat one, I hope that's a good sign?


 The only hierodula dat took that long to molt to sub adult was Ayaweya. the other hierodulas were faster with molting.🤔

Hey there, just a little update. He's not eaten ever since that Sunday. Never molted, but he is growing wing looking things on his back? I'm extremely confused that they are growing on him. Should I be worried that he's not eating? It's been quite a few days. @hysteresis @MantisGirl13

Wing buds. Hes subadult, isnt he? Maybe presub? Sure sign of a molt. 

Keep him at temp and on the humid side, but NEVER wet for too long. 

if his wing buds are swollen then it wont take long. I hope he will get a good molt. You could let hjm drink of a cotton swap that is what i do if my mantids  haven't eaten  for a long time to prepare for molt.


He finally molted! Sadly, he can't walk correctly. He has a very crooked leg 😢. What do I do. 
