Mantis not eating...


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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Bournemouth- England
For about a week... I have tried to feed him on crickets but he just doesnt really seem interested. Literally been right next to them and not cared. Not showing any molting signs, ive caught a fly and put it in there but im getting concerned....

That's what my mantis did for five days after a gigantic meal. Then, it molted and returned to normal eating habits.

i had the same problem with my orchid and not to make you worried about yours, mine died because it wouldn't eat. I gave it small crickets and fruit flies and it wouldn't touch them.

People tend to worry too much about these things. If they stop eating it's usually because they are about to molt or lay an ootheca.

I think we worry a lot about them because we only have a few or maybe only one mantis and we are concerned for them. I guess I'm in that boat too.

I think we worry a lot about them because we only have a few or maybe only one mantis and we are concerned for them. I guess I'm in that boat too.
This is positive answer for me, as mine has the same problem. Keep worrying for not eating, for that is my very only last hope this year unless the ooth recently from Yen_Saw bring me good news.

Two of my female, one is yellowish, the other is ponkish in coloring. The one is well_fed, while the later did not eat 7 days prior to sheddingand 5 days after shedding already. Kind of wory though, just let the nature did her works I think.



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