Mantis Photo Gallery - everyone contribute!


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:? [SIZE=12pt]Sorry Ian,[/SIZE] been looking around and for the life of me i cant find the gallery, can you point or shove me in the right direction mate so i can post more pics.


michael :roll:

Sorry if this was already posted and I missed it, but is there a deadline for turning in photos?

Two wild Chinese Mantis's I saw this past summer:



This is my Giant Asian mantis although he's only quite small at the moment. Sorry its not a full shot, the tripod was being less cooperative than the mantis. I'll try and get some better photos of him later

Click to enlarge

Heres a couple of my mantis photos



The gongylus is eating a zebra spider which happened to run past whilst I was photographing it..

timp, its a Gongylus gongylodes, also known as the wandering violin mantis or Indian rose mantis.

They all look really cool. I got my first and so far only mantis recently. admitted not knowing much about them. I had no idea there was so much variety, I thought they would all look pretty much the same but it would seem theres loads



my tattoo :)

also i have a new orchid mantis, so i will be taking some pictures soon.

Just took a couple of photos of my idolos,




Inicidentally as you can see this females eyes are quite dark pink, is that a sign of ill health (as in other species)? Its still catching food fine and seems quite active.. :?

Inicidentally as you can see this females eyes are quite dark pink, is that a sign of ill health (as in other species)? Its still catching food fine and seems quite active.. :?
Never heard of that being an indicator of ill health in any species. Looks fine to me.

Ah good, I thought she was ok but I just had to clarify. I thought eyes going dark was sometimes a bad sign as I had a sphrodo who died soon after its eyes went very dark. Not a great foundation for this belief I know... :roll:
