Mantis stable or increase.


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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
Carbondale Illinois
If you have seen less wild Chinese mantids in your area where they used to be more; please tell me your location and how much of a decline you noticed approximately.

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If you have seen a stable or increase in Chinese mantis in your area please post your area and by how much the increase was if applicable. Thanks.

They're an invasive species here, but this is the first year I've seen any mantids at all. I believe the two I saw this year were chinese, but one could have been religiosa. Im in Barrie Ontario Canada.

Seen a decline in at least two areas that have no evidence of mowing. Other insects seem to be just as numerous as usual.

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I saw many, many more mantids this past summer than I've ever seen in my life. In northern New Jersey.

Decline I have only seen 2 mantis living in Toronto for 20 years ... ya is pretty rare ..... lol ... But i see hundreds now in my computer room ,

Definitely a decline in Chinese populations in my back yard (where I have introduced them, 2 years ago, and had several ooths laid last year), but that may be due to my spending less time in my garden. We'll see what we've got out there as far as ooths when I do my garden cleanup.

Also, it may be because we're more attentive but we're seeing a lot more Carolinas than we have seen previously in our area.

Definitely a decline in Chinese populations in my back yard (where I have introduced them, 2 years ago, and had several ooths laid last year), but that may be due to my spending less time in my garden. We'll see what we've got out there as far as ooths when I do my garden cleanup.

Also, it may be because we're more attentive but we're seeing a lot more Carolinas than we have seen previously in our area.
In that case I'd weed those Tenodera out.

Decline I have only seen 2 mantis living in Toronto for 20 years ... ya is pretty rare ..... lol ... But i see hundreds now in my computer room ,
Toronto is the absolute worst place to see them my friend! I realize your in a more "green area" but still :p ?! Haha, you have them all hoarded in your home ;) .

I have seen quite a few M. religiosa behind my house in a back field. Maybe 8 or so this summer each time I head out there.

I've seen a decline. I used to be able to find several on one plant, now I very rarely see any at all.

The last one I saw a few months ago. It was an adult female outside the BART station on my way out. I took it home and noticed that it had some difficulty moving and started behaving like an insect that had been sprayed with insecticide. I'm sure that it had either come in direct contact with some pesticide or had eaten something that had. It never makes sense to me why people don't realize the side effects of using pesticides when I see people purchasing pesticides and using them liberally around the neighborhood.

Eastern Pennsylvania (rural but only 25 miles west of Philadelphia). Marked increase this year. Local nurseries mentioned same. Mostly Chinese that neighbors and I spotted.
