Mantis Tattoo


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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
Georgia, USA
I am going to be getting a tattoo of a mantis some time in the near future. I just cant seem to find the right picture for the tattoo. It would be greatly appreciated if you guys could post a few cool pics of your mantids.....or link me to a site with a good collection of mantis pictures. Pics that you think might look good as a tattoos.



this isnt a tattoo already, i think it was just on the front cover of something

I dont think any mantid pictures would be worth getting a permanant tatoo of...just my opinion..



i do tattoos but i havent had this come up

i think i might be able to come up with something

i think a solid black siloette of a mantis or at least the upper half would be sweet

Yeah, a solid black siloette would look cool. I dont know what position I would want the arms in though.......Resting, striking, Defensive position, etc... Its hard to think of something without being able to see some designs. Theres not that many mantis tattoo designs out there....or at least I cant seem to find many on the internet.

as big as that?! and red, wow, that looks like it's burned into his arm! lol but yeah, I like that one

hey ian, why don't you get a tattoo like that?! :D

i'd search for an amazingly artistic tattooist, i know of one in leeds, but that's over here :? . if you get something big that's gonna be showing itself off often then it's worth spending a bit and searching and not rushing into it cos it'll be for life

Good to be 16 :D

Although I don't think I'll get a tattoo or piercing any time soon. I can stand needles. I'm happy enough to do fairly big jumps on a snowboard etc but can't stand being any where near needles used for goin under your skin.

Dunno why, it's kinda strange.

Cheers, Cameron.
