Mantisfan101’s beetles


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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2017
Reaction score
My beetles-


Pelidnota punctata(above)


Also kudos and congrats to anyone who breeds larger rhino beetles, handling them is nice but is one of the most painful things I will ever experience. If they don’t want to let go they won’t let go, it’s like having a bunc of tiny needle sharp grappling hooks crawling on your skin. 

Also kudos and congrats to anyone who breeds larger rhino beetles, handling them is nice but is one of the most painful things I will ever experience. If they don’t want to let go they won’t let go, it’s like having a bunc of tiny needle sharp grappling hooks crawling on your skin. 
They are not that bad. They can be a little stubborn, but if you slide a piece of wood under them, then they will climb onto the wood. The Chalcosoma atlas below has a bit of an attitude, but he lets go when there is wood to grab. 


(This picture was taken at a permitted USDA APHIS containment facility. )
