Mantodea book


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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
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Do you know this book? Ehrmann, R. 2002. Mantodea: Gottesanbeterinnen der Welt. Natur und Tier, Münster.

I cant find a page that sells it on the internet

Sorry, I haven't heard of that book mate. But I thought I may as well put my 2 cents in & tell you about another (if you haven't already heard about).

Prete, F. R., Wells, H., Wells, P. H. & Hurd, L. E. (eds). (1999). 'The Praying Mantids.' John Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, London.

This is the book to have for a comprehensive insight into mantids from physiology to behaviour & back again. I recently invested in it. It's a page turner ^_^


The Ehrmann book may be sold out. It is a catalogue of all mantid species (!) known until 2002 and also contains pics and infos on life history and biology. It's more a book for taxonomists. Prete et al. may be regarded as a good counterpart to the taxonomic review of Ehrmann. Although it's not perfect, having ommited some important work, it is the best book on mantid physiology and ecology available. It covers mostly the temperate species (particularly regarding ecology), but this may be due to the fact that tropical species are just understudied.

Exelent answer I was thinking in those books since as a biologist or at least I`ll ,get that title after colege is over , im doing some writings about mexican species, My first step will be a catallogue and the some photos, desriptions, caring, breeding, I f you have info I`ll apresiate it

Do you know this book? Ehrmann, R. 2002. Mantodea: Gottesanbeterinnen der Welt. Natur und Tier, Münster.I cant find a page that sells it on the internet
Try here:

As you know, it will set you back about $100 American and is entirely in German (is yr first language Spanish, Zeth?). If your university has a Dept of Entomol;ogy, it would be worthwhile to check it out on your library's data base, and if it is not available go to what in US university libraries is the Reference Desk and enquire about an intralibrary loan.

Good luck!

And remember, Google is your Friend!

I googled it :) but couldnt find it, I guess I`ll get Prete because I dont speack or read German, only english and spanish, Yea spanish is my first language, but I really like english

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