Marking on a mantis


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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2011
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Hi friends, it's been a while since I posted.

A friend recently took a picture of a mantis in her garden, and she didn't notice it while taking the picture, but later on, she noticed a number "2" on it. She did not retouch this photo in any way.

Makes me wonder...are mantids tracked or something? Maybe it's just an anomaly, but it's so strange!

Mantis with a 2.jpg

As someone who likes to photoshop, I would believe it to be retouched too, but my friend can't even put her name on her pics. It showed in another photo she took too.

I did tell her to keep an eye out for number 1! :D

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i remember releasing a mantis with a numbr two on it! it finally made it all the way up there! (just kidding! :clown: ) ...this is weird, i dont want to believe it because it looks sooo fake, but i wanna take your word on it... :) im still skeptical tho...

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I completely agree that it looks faked, (I'm almost tempted to put my mantis pics in photoshop and number them just for fun, lol) but I want to believe her too. Anyway, if anyone has ever heard of mantids being tracked, let me know!

I know, it looks so fake. I did bring it in to PS to experiment. The baseline of the 2 matched perfectly to the baseline of the 2 I placed next to it. Different font but it lined up perfect... maybe her camera has decided to put little bits of metadata on her photos, lol.

I give up!

I don't think that is real. But these are. :stuart:


The number 2 should have curved along with the roundness of the thorax. If the thorax was flat, then I would see a possibility.

Alright... is it possible that there's a scratch on the thorax or something that by coincidence, looks like a 2?

I don't know this friend personally, but really, she doesn't strike me as one to make stuff up, in all honesty.

The facts that the bottom of the 2 is level with the bottom of the frame when the mantis is not, the thorax is angled away from the lens and the 2 is not, and that the thorax is a curved surface but the 2 is not obeying that curve all point to an altered image.

Sorry, but unless she has more photos of the same thing I don't believe it :/
