Miomantis binotata (African Pinstripe Mantis)


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Dec 10, 2004
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Miomantis binotata Giglio-Tos 1911

(Submitted by Mantis Monarch, photos by Mantis Monarch)


  • Common name: African Pinstripe Mantis, comes from the adult female's white stripes on their green wings. Also may be named that because as nymphs they have red pinstripes running down their abdomen and across knees that widen and double as they get older.
  • Physical description: mostly green with red and white accents. Brown color morphs exist but even brown adult females have green wings.
  • L1 black, L2 pale green w/ white and red banded legs, L3 5/16" same but gain red racing stripes, L4 1/2" same but gain black dots under abdomen, L5 same but green and pale green tiger stripes appear, L6 and L7 ~1" adult females have short green with white stripes wings and short green antenna, adult males have long transparent green wings with long red antenna.
  • Distribution: Africa; Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Togo, Burundi, Musina, South Africa
  • Small Species: adults grow no larger than 1.25"
  • Difficult level: rearing beginner, breeding advanced

  • Growth rate: L1 to adult can be achieved in 2 months at 80-90F w/ feeding everyday
  • 72-80F and feeding once every 2-4 days will slow growth rate without problems
  • Longevity: adult male will last 2-3 months (4 max) adult female will last 2-6 months depending on temperature and feeding schedule.
  • Molting observations: can molt to adult in a 16oz deli or bigger. No problem with molting with humidity 50-80%.

  • From hatch/L1 these nymphs are curious and friendly
  • they remain very sweet and handleable all the way to adult
  • Degree of aggressiveness: high, especially in females. Will go after food and other nymphs.
  •  Propensity to cannibalize: high, nymphs don't mind eating other nymphs. Female cannibalized males over 60% of time in captivity.
Captive Environment 

  • Temperature: 75-85F Night >68 used Temperature Range is 68-90F
  • Humidity: 45-80% very tolerant (adult males need water to drink everyday)
  • Enclosure Used: 5.5oz Suffle cup, 16oz deli and 32oz deli cup OR SM/MED hex and SM kritter keeper for breeding.
  • Substrate Used: paper towel, Eco-Earth, Moss 
  • Cage Furnishings: mesh netting, plastic plants, skewers, popsicle sticks. Breeding enclosure needs lots of green plants for the male to hide in.
  • Not Communal:  separate as soon as possible. High degree of cannibalization. 

  • L1 can prey on Mel. Fruit Flies
  • Adult males can eat: Hydei fruit flies, false stable fly, small house fly, or insect segment
  • Adult females can eat: Blue Bottle Flies, House Flies, mealworms, superworm segment, or other insect segment.

  • Sexing/sexual dimorphism:
  • Sex ID Adult Males: have transparent green wing that are longer than abdomen, long slender body, very long red antenna
  • Sex ID Adult Female: have green wings with white stripes that are shorter than abdomen after first meal, fatter abdomen that sticks out the sides of wings, short green antenna.
  • Time needed from last molt to copulation: depends on temperature, at 75-80F Males are ready in 2 weeks, Adult females are ready in 4-6 weeks. I wait until after female has laid 1st infertile ootheca before mating to ensure readiness.
  • Tips: methodology: Bring both male and female up to Day 80F Night 75F before trying. Feed female every day for a few days before trying. Place both in a SM Hex or SM Kritter Keeper with lots of house flies flying around in the evening. The flies are a distraction for the female so the male can do his job. Male will most likely be cannibalized, if he copulates or not. 
  • Tips for inducing copulation and fecundity: temperature and flying insects
  • Tips for inducing female to lay oothecae: she will lay on netting, plastic, artificial plants, insect lid, and sticks. They are not picky about where they lay. Sometimes infertile ooths are laid on the moss substrate.

  • Small tan semi-hard ooth. No bigger than 1/2"
  • Diapause NOT needed
  • Incubation: 28-40 days at 75-80F w/ 60-80% humidity or mist everyday.
  • Observed Hatch Rate: 10-35 nymphs
M.binotata L1 nymph

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