Monster Bug Wars!


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The production value seems a little slicker in season 2, as if they've got a bigger budget. The soundtrack is better (cheesy animal noises aside) and the sets look more outdoorsy.

Watching the recording of the Tuesday episode and I noticed the "Mossy Acanthops" is in the first "fight". Good looking mantis!

I don't like it at all, the retarded sound effects is a turn-off for me. But a show I like even less is GladiatorBugs on YouTube where some people put two bugs in a small box and make them fight each other. Itatakes a while because both insects panic and tries to crawl up the glass wall....

Monster Bug Wars is killing off a Choeradodis sp. this week :D

Here's a problem I see with the show as far as staged fights

We see in many instances one of the opponents escape, such as with the katydid and the spider

You can tell the film makers put it back in front of the spider, which doesn't happen in nature

Peeps r making a mockery of nature by doing that :(

I saw the episode with Choeradodis and that was a waste of an awesome mantis we could've bred into America! Those staged fights are so unfair. They're all like "The hooded mantis decided to move to the side" after they cut screen when nothing was happening.

I saw the episode with Choeradodis and that was a waste of an awesome mantis we could've bred into America! Those staged fights are so unfair. They're all like "The hooded mantis decided to move to the side" after they cut screen when nothing was happening.

They moved the mantis so it would walk by the spider and it would be scared and not in an eating mood

Not to mention it was a male mantis, which wouldn't eat much anyways and in the wild would've flown far away from the spider

Not to also mention they showed it eating other stuff before hand so they filled it up with food and knew it wouldn't be hungry again


They moved the mantis so it would walk by the spider and it would be scared and not in an eating mood

Not to mention it was a male mantis, which wouldn't eat much anyways and in the wild would've flown far away from the spider

Not to also mention they showed it eating other stuff before hand so they filled it up with food and knew it wouldn't be hungry again
They stage fights to who they WANT to win. Say if they wanted Choeradodis to win, they would've put a female in and her opponent would've been a YOUNGER Brazilian Wandering spider. Also, did anyone catch the mantis special on the science channel last night? It was called- Alien Insect- Praying mantis.

They stage fights to who they WANT to win. Say if they wanted Choeradodis to win, they would've put a female in and her opponent would've been a YOUNGER Brazilian Wandering spider. Also, did anyone catch the mantis special on the science channel last night? It was called- Alien Insect- Praying mantis.
yup i saw it. it was on at like 11pm though so i was half asleep. i have seen it before though.
Again, even though it's educational, i don't like the killing of mantids for human amusement and education. It's just not fair because it seems to me like mantis are some of the only insects in which you can actually see the personality. I mean they turn their heads and look at you! They're so cute!! :)
