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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
An acquaintance of mine returned from a bug fair with an unidentified nymph!:



I love her pale coloration. Is this a Sphodromantis sp. or a Hierodula sp.? Or is it something else?

Shieldmantid: hehe my aquaintence is actually located in the states, and the mantis was acquired at a bug fair in their state! So location doesn't help with the ID of this particular lass (though it would be handy if it did!) With location being a non-factor, it's so hard to ID these kinds of nymphs, especially since Hierodula and Sphodromantis look so similar as nymphs @___@

Domanating: Oh, good! I'm glad it is indeed a member of the Mantodea order!! I was second guessing between that and Decapoda.

man you guys are split right down the middle on this! It really is that difficult to tell the difference between the two genera at nymph stage!

Falconerguy: the only thing she was told by the seller was that this one probably would end up being "a bit smaller"
Smaller than what, we're not sure exactly. He could have been insinuating that it's a smaller species for the genus, in which I'd wager more on your previous ID. Apparently the seller was way too overwhelmed in dealing with too many other folks to provide any clear information :T sigh
