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agent A

the autistic flower mantis
Supporting Member
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
ok so I have a bunch of cocoons and within the next 3 weeks I should have eggs of the following available:

Actias luna

Antheraea polyphemus

Samia Cynthia

Automeris io

Dyrocampa rubicunda

Callosamia promethea

anyone in the US gonna want any eggs of any of these species? I would like to get an idea of how much of each species will be wanted so ik how many eggs to save and keep

obviously I wont make official sales until I have secured the eggs but I wanna get a feel for what is being looked for

i'm always looking for new blood so if anyone wants to do egg swaps to mix up bloodlines (even though I have my females attract wild males to avoid inbreeding) i'm open to that too

thanx :)

After looking up some about these guys I would love to get into Actias luna, Dyrocampa rubicunda, or Automeris io depending on price and availability! They're gorgeous- I'd just have to research rearing/care for them and figure out where to keep them!

After looking up some about these guys I would love to get into Actias luna, Dyrocampa rubicunda, or Automeris io depending on price and availability! They're gorgeous- I'd just have to research rearing/care for them and figure out where to keep them!
ok :)

will let u know when all those r available

they r pretty easy and fun to rear

You may want to be a little bit more guarded in your offerings for these. Governing bodies and even moth keepers themselves get a little upset about the transport of leps around the country. There are isolated populations of some or all of the species you are offering that are genetically different enough to cause many people to feel that they shouldn't have any (unnatural) opportunity to interbreed. I'm not saying that you don't consider this yourself, but your customers should understand that this is a potential concern. Many casual moth-keepers just want their children to see a moth emerge and then also share with them the experience of letting this beautiful animal go free. Your lucky to live in an area with such great moths.

I'd be interested in Samia cynthia, Actias luna, Hyalophora cecropia, Dryocampa rubicunda and Automeris io when u get them. All the species u listed are native to where i live, but i can't seem to find a single one :eek:nline2long:

Callosamia promethea, Automeris io, maybe Antheraea polyphemus.. it'll be my first time raising silkies so you'll have to point me to a how to guide or somethin A :)

All the best,


Alex has a couple of species that I have never raised. I've found Actias luna to be one of the easiest to raise.

Check with Alex to ensure you have a food source for the caterpillars.

Be careful if you get IO eggs. I heard that the spines sting. I got some cocoons from a local breeder once. The moths emerged, but I never saw them mate, and the eggs the females laid didn't hatch. So, I can't speak from experience since I never raised IO cats.
