I misted my tank this morning..as I do most morning, and then I thought I'd have a look at the little guy since he doesn't move alot.
As I looked in his tank I noticed he had moulted
and he is a nice pale green colour. I hadn't expected him to moult so soon, so this came as a surprise.
However, now I'm worried as I have read that you shouldn't mist them to soon after a moult, and with the arrival of the new baby I didn't see when he had moulted, so what problem could occur from me misting? I understand that he may actually be OK if he moulted yesterday but if not, what problems could I run into?
As I looked in his tank I noticed he had moulted
However, now I'm worried as I have read that you shouldn't mist them to soon after a moult, and with the arrival of the new baby I didn't see when he had moulted, so what problem could occur from me misting? I understand that he may actually be OK if he moulted yesterday but if not, what problems could I run into?