My crazy ghosts!


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Ghosts are legit. I need to find some. Lol, I read Macbeth this semester. It was hard but fun lol...

Mantis: what you egg? *pipes up and stabs the little katydid  

Katydid: Mother I am dying 


Not 100 percent accurate yall get the idea 

Update: Hector and Maple are now adult! Molly is sub and set to molt any day... :D  Many ghost babies to come!



Exciting updates!! All of my ghosts are now adults! :D  Macbeth unfortunately passed away (due to a friend who promised to show up when I was away but failed to, resulting in his death :( ). Hannibal is... well... paralyzed? You can check out my post in health issues if you wanna know more. But anyway! Two beautiful girls and a

beautiful light boy! :D  Many ghost babies to come!!

Feel free to hit up my pms if you have any single boys ;)  

IMG_0530.JPGIMG_0525.JPG    <green beauty

I love ghosts! Yours are around the same age as my little one :)

Edit- Hah, in the first post I mean!

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So! Very exciting update! Maple has laid her first (infertile) ootheca. She waited quite a while, the silly girl, so it was huge for her body size! I don't have any boys, unfortunately. But I'm very happy she wasn't egg-bound and that she has such a beautiful ootheca laid! :D  

 on the plant she laid it



Good for you, Maple~!

Your ghosts are so gorgeous! It's incredible how varied their colors are, I absolutely love those greens and yellows. I hope you can add some more young ghosts to your collection soon!


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