My first Mantis!


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Active member
May 4, 2013
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Thousand Oaks, CA
Up until last week, I've never taken much interest in any sort of insect. For the most part, I really wanted nothing to do with them, hahah!

Well, last week at work, I found the smallest praying mantis I've ever seen crawling atop my toolbox. I coaxed it onto my finger and let it crawl around for a bit, intrigued by its miniature size. I had never realized how small these things start off!


I'm always curious to learn about new things, so I started doing a little research while my new friend hung out next to me in a small petri dish. After a little bit of reading, I knew that this mantis and I would be very good friends because I HATE spiders, and mantids EAT spiders. It's like a match made in heaven :clap: . I fed it a small ant that I killed in the process of putting it into the petri dish, and it must have been hungry because it ate the ant right up. I later learned that ants aren't the best food for mantids, so I'm relieved that it's doing okay since then. I took it home in a small container.

The next day, after doing quite a bit of research on these forums, I decided to build him a small habitat. Inspired by spongeworld, I think this is suitable for such a small Mantis. I will eventually put a screen type material across the ceiling, and more for climbing obstacles along the sides, for when the mantis gets larger. I plan on changing the flooring material regularly, and any recommendations for what to use would be greatly appreciated. Right now, the flooring is just a foam sponge material from the dollar store. I got a 10 pack of these sponges too make replacing the floor easier for now, to avoid mold and other less sanitary conditions. I've been moistening the sponges with warm water daily to help keep the temperature and humidity up.


I think it is a male Stagmomantis Limbata L1, based on what I've read on the caresheets and compared to on several other members pictures of different mantids. It's very possible that it could still be a female, since it is so small, but I'm pretty sure I can count more than six segments on his underbelly. So for now, I'm calling him Geoffrey :D . He seems to like to crawl around on my fingers and most of the time in his habitat, he just hangs out upside down. Yesterday was the first day he actually started to explore the habitat a little.

Click for video:


I have been feeding him small aphids from a plant outside my house. He typically eats them enthusiastically as soon as he see's them move, so I'm assuming he likes them. After the ant I gave him on the first day, he didn't eat until 2 days later when he gobbled down 3 aphids. He ate 2 or 3 aphids the following day (yesterday) and today he has eaten 2 aphids, as well. I've been taking him out of a his habitat and placing him in a small plastic dish for feeding time. I figured it was easier for him to find his prey while he is this small. Is this recommended? I could see this feeding method potentially interfering with Geoffrey's molting schedule, but I'm not sure.

Click for Video:

I'm very excited to watch him grow and molt, but I'm not exactly sure when to expect this to happen. I've read to look for signs of reduced appetite and hanging upside down all day, but I'm not sure what else to look for.

Any tips on how to make Geoffrey a happier mantis and help him develop are greatly appreciated!

WOW on the setup very creative you may be on to something, lol.

what is the bottle cap for, they need to be misted if its a water bowl.

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WOW on the setup very creative you may be on to something, lol.

what is the bottle cap for, they need to be misted if its a water bowl.
Initially I put it in there for water (there was literally one small drop in it since I didn't want Geoffrey to drown in it). But since then, I've been using it to keep a little food around for him. Here is the habitat as it sits now.

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it looks like a little stagmo to me as well. but you cant sex them until later in life. the last time i tried to guess that i had a boy it ended up being a girl

p.s. its amazing to me that you saw that little dude. before keeping mantids i had never seen any that size

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Yep, looks like it's probably a stagmomantis limbata. I have a few L1's of that species too. It's impossible to tell if they are male or female until about L3 or L4, but congratulations! :)

p.s. its amazing to me that you saw that little dude. before keeping mantids i had never seen any that size
I know, right? Funny enough you mention that, because he actually got away from me when I first wanted to catch him. I saw him again about 30 minutes later which is when I actually got him, hahah. I was shocked to see one this small because I've only encountered a few larger mantids before and I knew literally nothing about them until 2 days ago.

I know, right? Funny enough you mention that, because he actually got away from me when I first wanted to catch him. I saw him again about 30 minutes later which is when I actually got him, hahah. I was shocked to see one this small because I've only encountered a few larger mantids before and I knew literally nothing about them until 2 days ago.
i wonder if the one you have is actually the first one you saw? ide look around some more and see if maybe an ooth hatched near by, there may be more little ones around that you arent seeing

Yeah, after learning about how they hatch I looked around a bit yesterday, but I didn't see any others in our shop.

I can definitely see how this can be an addictive hobby, too. I'm sure I'll want to have at least one mantis hanging around from here on out :stuart:

Congrats on the find! i have never found one this small in the wild before. Your so lucky to stumble across it like that! i like your cage aswell! if you want something different for the bottem try terrerium carpet. I personally use exoterra substrate so it holds a bit of moisture. good luck with the little guy, but your going to want more! I started keeping mantids a month ago and now i have 12.


I thought I lost Geoffrey tonight! I came home from my calculus class and went to say hello to Geoffrey and he was not in his cage! I didn't think there were any holes small enough for him to fit through, but apparently he is quite the escape artist. Carefully moving about my room and house, I searched for him for about a half hour with a flashlight. After some extensive searching to no avail, I threw in the towel, realizing that there was a very slim chance I would ever see Geoffrey again. I placed things back were they belonged in my room and before sitting down to publish the bad news onto this thread, swatted a small fly off of my desk hutch, looked up, and sure enough saw Geoffrey perched on the hood of a 1/20th scale Aston Marton 007 V12 Vanquish model on top of my hutch; literally the highest point in my room :blink: . My first thought was; WHAT a relief. My second thought was something along the lines of; Geoffrey, you little ****!!!

What are the chances?? Between finding him twice at my shop, and finding him after tonight's escape, I'm pretty convinced that we're meant to be, hahah! Although with his selection of the 007 car in combination with his escape skills, I think I should have named him Bond... James Bond :stuart: .

So, needless to say, I'll be putting that screen across the top of my Habitat ASAP. Until then, Geoffrey is just going to have to stay in time-out.

Hahaha, nice escape attempt, Geoffrey! I'm glad you were able to find him. I have those critter keepers for a few of my nymphs, and one very easy and cheap way of blocking access to those vented slats is to just shut a sheet of paper towel in the top. I do that for my bitty nymphs, the ones eating fruit flies and the ones getting the smallest houseflies (since I have learned that they are small enough to get out, oops). The paper towel allows for ventilation while still blocking the slats, plus the bitty nymphs can get their little feet hooked into it easily to hang from. Like I said, easy and cheap, if mesh won't be soon available for you!

As for taking them out for feeding, when I was out of houseflies and my Deroplatys lobata (Xeno) needed a meal, I put him in a critter keeper with one of the smallest crickets that I get for my gecko. He grabbed and ate pretty readily when he was hungry (I used bamboo skewers to move him back and forth), but when he was getting ready to molt he ignored the cricket or even made shooing motions at it instead of grabbing it. So use that as a cue for you: if Geoffrey is ignoring food or actively trying to get it to leave him alone, he's probably prepping to molt in the next day or so, so then just let him be in his habitat until a day after he's molted. Xeno would refuse food a good two days before molting.

And I'll chime in too on how you never have just ONE pet mantis for long. I started with Xeno in early April, and now I have him along with 11 others, and more on the way, hahaha.

First of all, congrats on your new mantis! He's so tiny and I love the name. :) Secondly, your near-loss sounds terrifying! I'm glad you were able to find him: that was really lucky considering his size! Sounds like you've done a lot of research on the forum, so you may have come across this fact already: they like to climb as high as possible and get as close to the light as possible, if I'm remembering correctly. (Good for catching prey in the wild, I believe is the mechanism behind this.) So maybe that's why he was where you found him. That being said, Geoffrey's got good taste in cars! :D Really like that last picture.... Good luck with him and welcome!

I love the pic of him posing so proudly with his new car!! Wicked cute. When will he get his drivers liscencece?

i should have said something about the critter keeper. i had a seven inch centipede escape from one.... tell me how it managed to do that. i dont trust the critter keepers at all unless you have somthing big in them. there is just to many little escape holes. as for the paper towel idea that is great i never even thought of that one. thanks for the tip!


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