My incubating ooths


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I have a lot of fruit fly cultures ready.

I have not rear that specie before, any suggestion??

I've bred P. peruviana for acoupleof generations then it died out. It is not a particularly easy species to breed as the ootheca have a habit of being dud :angry:

The nymphs drink regularly, so spray once every two days. Feed them flies, but never crickets.

I found rearing them to be very easy, but had no luck with breeding!

I live in a desert, so I did mist them twice a day. But I think once a day would have been just fine. I also kept them at relatively low temperature 24-27C. Higher temps caused high nymph mortality in less then an hour!

My nymphs had no real molting issues. They also were very good feeders.

This isn't a fast growing species, and is fairly long lived. I am down to my last male and he has been an adult since mid- January.

I also kept them together in a 10 gallon tank. I kept them well fed and saw NO evidence of cannabalism.


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