My male is a beast


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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2007
Reaction score
Davis, CA
Hi, it's late (early), so I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. The male that I caught the other day that was waiting for me when I got home ate my female some time in the night. They had been in the same enclosure and the male (who was half an inch larger than the female and bulkier in every other way) apparently ate her :eek: . I was hoping that despite his size, his male instincts would kick in and he'd attempt to mate, instead he ate her. Nothing remains but wings littered on the ground. Now I have to wait for my others to reach adult-hood which isn't really my concern. My concern is whether or not I'll be able to mate this guy. He's so cool, it's the first time I'm actually interested in the adult male of a species. He flies great, he's large, and he was waiting for me. But dang, don't eat the chicks!!! :blink:

haha.. how long did u wait after they molted to mate them? without the phermones that the female releases i think they both just view each other as a moving piece of food, which the bigger one usually wins

haha.. how long did u wait after they molted to mate them? without the phermones that the female releases i think they both just view each other as a moving piece of food, which the bigger one usually wins
I waited a couple of days, which is what I usually wait with these species. Though she was afraid of him, as she should have been.

Sure that was a male?
Lol, absolutely positive. He has a full set of wings, which the females don't have. And he has 8 segments. I checked several times already. And he is Iris oratoria because he has the orange dot and the little white streak on his wings, not to mention the wing pattern on his inner wings.

Yeah, his loss though, the only current adult female <_< . And I don't know if I'm magic or if I live in a supreme location. Because I caught another adult male Iris oratoria not 10 minutes ago, right by my door, a couple of feet away from where I caught the woman killer :eek: . Of course this one is extremely smaller than the latter, which is an average size male ;) . I'd like to say female pheromones are somehow attracting them, but no adult females. Who knows, maybe the know who I am. B)

Lol, I know it's not possible, but goodness, for the first time I feel sorry for any female I put in there. A chinese would put him in his place.

Never heard of that happening! Must have been a tank...
Yeah he is a tank, which is why I want him to carry his genes. Imagine if there were some genetic involvement in this. Obviously most must be environmental, but still. This guy must be a top predator to get that big.


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