My mantid isn't eating


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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2012
Reaction score
Gilbert, Arizona
The first picture attached belongs to Rick (administrator) and it was taken from the "Male or Female?" post. I was wondering what the wet, translucent looking substance coming from the rear end of the adult male is (or is it actually a part of the body?

My male hierodula majuscule seems to have more of that exposed (on one side) than normal (you can see it toward the top of the picture). I tried to take a clear picture (attached second) but couldn't quite get my camera to focus enough. I was wondering if maybe there is a problem where the mantid's internal structure is kind of coming out, or if there is some sort of infection causing that substance. It looks like it might be starting to lay an ootheca (which is why I looked up Rick's post to begin with) but the mantid is definitely male so that is ruled out.

Also, my mantid has not been eating (it's been over 2 weeks now) and is looking very thin. I don't believe he's due for a molt. I cut open a cricket tonight and offered it to him, but he literally jumped to get away from it - not interested at all. I tried crickets from different petshops, thinking maybe some were diseased and that's why they were not desired. No luck. Normally he attacks crickets within a minute of me putting them in his tank. I'm checking the tank and cleaning out the dead, uneaten crickets several times a day. Other than the aforementioned issues, he is balancing okay, grooming a lot, drinking water droplets when I spray the tank, and took some honey today. Temperature and humidity is good. His abdomen just looks SO thin that it is causing concern.

Do you guys have any insight?

Thank you!



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Those are the claspers he'll be using to lock himself onto the female. Although they do stick out a bit more than most I've seen, it does not appear to be infected.

An adult male with wings will not be molting again, so you're correct in that his behavior is not a result of him preparing for a molt.

If he is old that may be part of the reason but adult males tend to eat little as they get older.

i dont have hierdulas majuscule but i have been having hierdula Grandises for soon 2 years. and when mines hierdulas has became adult stage they eat very little, you could try some Honey i gave that to my Grandises when they was old and they was eating that. this picture is of my 5 month old Hierdula Grandis who died for about a month ago, if you look at the end of her abdomen you will see that it looks kinda the same as yours in the picture .
