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Oh wow that baby gecko is so adorably cute!!!! 😍😍😍😍

That is an interesting story for sure! Glad your two ghosts are doing well.

When did you order the Chinese ootheca? Because if it was in the fall Chinese ootheca don't usually hatch until the spring until April or so. Also the ootheca should be over wintered (a requirement for Chinese eggs to hatch) by placing it in a cold place for at least a month.

Good luck with your mantis endeavors!

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Ok, last gecko pics! I caught this cutie when I got home tonight.



Here is my freshly molted male ghost. He definitely didn’t go through this smoothly. About 2 hours ago I walked into my room to not see my ghost anywhere in his enclosure. I started panicking once I saw he had fell. I rushed downstairs yelling “TAPE! TAPE! TAPE!” As I needed to tape his molt to the roof of his enclosure. About 2 moments later he fell again...and again. He then completed his molt at the cost of a leg. I give all of the credit regarding his success to @MantisGirl13 as she led me through this and he would have likely not survived without her. THANK YOU @MantisGirl13!!! We could not live without you!


@MrGhostMantis Thanks, but give yourself the credit! I gave the directions, you figured it out! That was an awfully hard first molt for you, and you'll never forget the experience. Good job and congratulations on your new adult male ghost! 

- MantisGirl13 


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