My mantis doesn't want to eat


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Mantis Lady

Well-known member
Jan 26, 2018
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I have an annoying problem. My mantis doesn't eat since his last molt, I force fed it some dubia goo. just now I forced fed him a tiny grasshopper, He started to eat and after a few bites he tossed it. What can I do? I want him hunt him his prey and eat it like a normal mantis does. If he don't eat he will die:unsure:
Think his last molt was last week, I had put 2 grasshoppers couple of days with him and he didn't toutch them. Today he ate just a few bites. His abdomen is reallty thin, he should eat them for breakfast. Never had a mantis that is a bad eater
You might have better luck with flying prey... blue bottle flies or house flies depending on the instar. I'd offer water, throw some nice flies in his enclosure and leave him alone for a while. If he starts eating I'd avoid feeding too much at once. It can cause problems when a very thin mantis is given too much prey at once. Good luck! 🤞 Keep us posted.
sometimes dehydration reduces appetite
try misting him
I mist him every day, he need his fluids
You might have better luck with flying prey... blue bottle flies or house flies depending on the instar. I'd offer water, throw some nice flies in his enclosure and leave him alone for a while. If he starts eating I'd avoid feeding too much at once. It can cause problems when a very thin mantis is given too much prey at once. Good luck! 🤞 Keep us posted.
Think I should try some flies, they are a snack for him, but better eat some snacks then nothing

I ordered some flies. I hope he will eat that
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Oh, my mantis is a she. Then it suprises me, that she eats badly. I am used to female mantids having a good appetite. but I hope she will eat flies.


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Nope, she molted somewhere last week. But I have good news: she is finally eating. At this moment of writing she is eating one of the grasshoppers en there is food in her abdomen. The flies will be a snack for her then. Maybe she was scared to eat greater stuff after the fruitflies. I don't know.
I feel happy that my mantis is eating now.😁 She needs her strength for her next molt,

She still need a good fitting name
The flies will be a snack for her then.
You may want to consider the flies as a staple and the grasshoppers for occasional snacks. Unless you're breeding grasshoppers for feeders, wild caught prey can possibly transfer parasites or even pesticides. Something to consider. I've done it on occasion, but generally it's not a great idea to use them as the main feeder. My 2¢. 🙂
You may want to consider the flies as a staple and the grasshoppers for occasional snacks. Unless you're breeding grasshoppers for feeders, wild caught prey can possibly transfer parasites or even pesticides. Something to consider. I've done it on occasion, but generally it's not a great idea to use them as the main feeder. My 2¢. 🙂
They are bought grasshoppers, I use them instead of crickets, I have some dubias too and soon a bunch of flies. Think se will love the flies. I hate them.
I dont use wild prey because of parasites, like you said.
I still have bunch of fruitfies, but they are too small now, I let them live their lives, till they die. they are not useful anymore.
I have put a few fly pupae in her cup, so Anainah can eat then when they hatch. I hate flies, she eat them for breakfast :p
Anainah still eats badly. Her abdomen was very flat, but last night she ate finally again (if not I would force fed her dubia goo today)
What could be the reason she doesn't eat much? Was her molt not a good one? her skin looks normal. But could it be something internal that went wrong during her molt? Lots of questions here.

I am thinking if Anainah had to live in the wild, she would be dead now :unsure:
Anainah is dying. She is dying because she didn't eat much, I had to force fed her whole life. I feel really sad because I fought for her en I lost.😭