My mantis is not eating and lethargic, just how my other mantis died.


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So sorry for your loss, it seems males generally aren't much fun to keep once they mature.

So sorry for your loss, it seems males generally aren't much fun to keep once they mature.
Nope. Not at all. 

In fact, for me its all in the nymph instars.  I do look forward to my R. stalii and B. mendica as adults. And of course, my I. diabolica. ❤️

I have an R. basalis pair that are adult and the male is 50/50. Sometimes he's fun, and sometimes he just wants to run away. He hasnt tried to fly yet. 

My ghost males are chickens and love to fly away. I chased after one last night and he doubled back and flew into my face unexpectedly. He spooked me so bad, even my palate was tingling! 🤣

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Is it normal for the abdomen to look like this? He's still alive, just hanging by a thread..but the last one I had who died had the same thing happen to their abdomen. (1).jpg

The dark between the sternites is like a 'bladder' that is flexible and contains his innards. Looks normal. 

Give him honey water (just a little honey completely dissolved in) and leave him alone. Don't try to suspend him inverted. That takes energy. Maybe put down a sheet or two of TP and rest him on that. 

Grab something long and skinny and dip it into distilled water and place a small drop on his snout. Surface tension will help it stick to him, and if he's actually drinking, you'll see his mouth parts flagellating and the drop disappearing quickly. 

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@hysteresis I'm vegan, so I don't have honey. Lol, is it a important thing that could keep him alive? But I'll definitely try the rest right now. Thanks

Well, I ripped a cricket in half today, and decided to see if he would eat. Well, he did! In a really weird way too, but he looked very satisfied so I was pretty happy to see he might last a little longer! (3).jpg
